Go back and see for yourself... Go back to Carter's administration and all the way up to Biden's... I'm NOT getting those details for you. You have to want to learn it on your own. Research it... look for clues and common mistakes.
Interesting that you don't want to provide details. Question: if I go by Presidential administration, will I find the following economic statistics to be better or worse under Democratic or Republican regimes: GDP growth rates Employment growth rates U3 unemployment rate changes U6 unemployment rate changes Stock market growth rates
Lol... Obama took over after the housing crash caused by the Dem's sub-prime demands... Made his economy look great from that low. Same thing with Biden that took over after the PLANdemic crash... So those numbers are not all that truthful as far as pegging their economic plan as the reason for the rebound... nor is it the whole picture.
Hmm, so what you are saying is that Republican administrations tend to end with dramatic economic disasters while Democratic administrations do not?
I am just following where you are leading the conversation. The fact that your own theories aren't consistently applied isn't my fault.
Why are you stuck on interest rates? Are you saying that Biden's economic policies have nothing to do with it?
That post didn't mention interest rates. But I am happy to discuss interest rates/monetary policy. Also happy to discuss fiscal policy, but you have, thus far, refused to do that with any specificity.
Inflation is a tricky thing... maybe ask the Fed how and why they lower and raise rates instead. I'm not a economist by any stretch of the imagination. I only see and remember economic mistakes from the past administrations. So I look at it in forensic kind of way and not a policy driven way.
I already know that. They do it very much contrary to how you are discussing it. They restrict monetary supply when faced with inflation, raising interest rates and causing economic slowdowns that lower inflation. In contrast, when faced with lower inflation, they will increase monetary supply to decrease interest rates, causing an uptick in inflation and economic growth. In fact, none of this seems to make much sense from an economic theory standpoint. Which is strange given that you felt comfortable telling others that they don't understand economics.
I understand how Biden is failing with the same policies that didn't fail Obama... The difference is Obama has zero interest rates, while Biden does not... that just an observation. But... I do know more than you think I do. And I would never give you any reason to think I would spend time explaining anything to you in more detail. It's on you to give us your "expertise" on inflation and why Biden's economic plan is a failure.
Same people? Same Dems policies? Tax and spending is not a good policy? Name it... You're better off telling us what you like about Biden's economic plan.
Not really (e.g., Gina Raimondo was never in the Obama Administration), but certainly not the same policies. So why do you think they are? Is it that your depth of analysis is just "There is a Democratic President?"
Here they are... not the "A" team of growth. President Biden Announces Key Members of his Economic Team | The White House I'd rather have business people than academics.
Okay? A fair number of those people didn't work in the Obama Administration either. BTW, those aren't policy positions. They are advisory positions. Also, given that the economy is growing, it seems like they are.
Wait, are you saying that these advisors are not the people that finalize Biden's policies? Who are those people? Are they Obama's people?
You realize that the US government contains entire departments that handle policy development and implementation, right? Like a Department of Treasury, a Department of Commerce, a Department of Labor, a Department of Transportation, etc.?