Just a little informal poll to gauge which party's values you most gravitate to. Poll answers are private.
I am mostly conservative values, but If I think a Democrat can do a better job, I would vote for them.
I know this is gonna seem like it's just a shit post answer, but I have no idea what Republican values are anymore. At least not as it pertains to the 2024 version of the GOP. What they claim they stand for is much different than what they vote for. Republican voter until 2016.
You can say the same about Dems, but NO ONE should vote along party lines. Vote for the best candidate.
Disagree. I think the Democrats are pretty consistent in what they stand for. It doesn't mean I'm a Democrat or agree with it.
I think it's the opposite, but that is why we have the ability to Vote. I guess it really depends on the particular race as well.
i want to click repub, the ole most of us are right of center, but the issue is repub = maga. Repub leaders practically bow to Trump. His rallies almost have a vibe of worship. At one rally an opening speaker even mentioned “as we worship trump”, agreed probably a slip-up, but still. There are comparisons of trump to Jesus. I’ve never seen that before (and imo consider it sacrilege). And woe to any Repub leader that voices a different opinion. after trumps close call maybe both sides will dial it down, just a tick or two. But it starts at the top….
I became NPA in Jan 2021. Previous to that was registered Repub for a few years, previous to that a Dem for a long while and previous to that a Republican for 10+ years. Until all the trumps and his acolytes die off i dont see myself voting Republican in statewide or national election EVER.
Always NPA and have voted for both parties and independents. My values align more with traditional republican values and find a lot of Democrats pompous and hard to stomach. But the Republican party has become unelectable. A collection of trolls, dumb shits, and conmen. No longer a serious party and no longer an option.
Can you help me out here by describing what you mean by “Republican”? I am a proud independent, but I’ve historically leaned more towards what MAGA now describes as RINO. I am far from MAGA, and far from Bernie Sanders. Hard It’s hard to answer the question without context these days.
I know the difference between actual principles and flavored bullshit, so I'm a conservative who is no longer a Republican.
Thanks guys, so far for sharing your beliefs and values. I purposefully omitted Libertarian and Independent parties, because deep down, I think we have values that align either democrat or republican. I made this same poll back in 2020 and it was a few votes +/- democrat or republican as it is now. I think the 50/50 split is what makes this board special.