Better than Biden sucking up to China which is the biggest threat to the US. Dictator Biden is a Xi Jing Ping puppet.
This didn't happen. Because Trumpies want to pretend that it didn't. And they want to repeatedly lie and say Trump's Russia collusion was just a hoax. So it didn't happen. Also; Does the quote by the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee provide you some of the information that you refuse to research and learn, and motivate you to stop lying about Trump and Russia, and trying to gaslight the board?
When presented with the FACTUAL conclusions of the GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee, rather than inform yourself and reconsider your position, you post "Come-On-Mans" and retreat into the safe refuge of ignorance.
You are so far out of date and around the riverbend that it is impossible to have a discussion. You don't know that you don't know what you should know. Maybe someday you'll grow up and figure it out, maybe.
When presented with the FACTUAL conclusions of the GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee, rather than inform yourself and reconsider your position, you post "Come-On-Mans", retreat into the safe refuge of ignorance, and make rambling, incoherent posts.
Word salad. But you were shown the exact words of the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee, who cited the Trump campaign coordinating (colluding?) with Russia. And you can only respond with insults here, more lying and gaslighting undoubtedly to follow. Sad. Really sad behavior from a grown adult. Particularly one who purports to be informed.
That makes at least two posters here who bring up images of someone foaming at the mouth as they rant and rave.
Considering that the neurologist only actually saw Biden once a year that's probably true and Trump will undoubtedly visit Russia more frequently than any of his predecessors. It also wouldn't surprise me if some time during his administration, Donald or maybe Don, Jr. announce the construction of Trump Tower Moscow.
That would mean a second ass kissing ceremony in the Kremlin. The ultimate ring kiss as well, only this ring isn't on an orange finger.
Why engage this trumpian character that lives under a bridge? Ignore, ignore, ignore. It will go away eventually. Poster does not even engage in good faith. Time for "ignore" Take their power away. It works
There’s plenty for which to criticize Trump, but this thread is just silly. “We have” is a common way of introducing or describing a situation that exists. “Houston, we have a problem.” “We have rats in the attic.” “We have no money in the bank.” I can imagine the following conversation taking place: President Biden: “What’s the Russian situation in Cuba?” Military advisor: “Mr. President, we have nuclear submarines and warships off the coast of Cuba.” Things like this need to be taken in context.
The difference between the two parties is that the Democrats rage a lot against Russia and a little against China, whereas the Republicans rage a lot at China and a little against Russia. All impotent rage.