You are probably right - I can recall him back in the early 90s - he was kind of a blow hard and loved to hear himself speak.
You are usually a pretty reasonable poster. Expecting GOP to roast Trump over supposed lies he told at the debate is, I feel, intellectually dishonest at the least. It's politics. They all lie. Biden lied. Politicians criticizing their party's presidential nominee politicians for lying? That never happens. That's like a thief telling another thief he shouldn't steal things. Surely, you don't believe what you're writing.
It’s a referendum over Trump for Democrats because they hate Trump. Put up someone who I don’t fundamentally disagree with on nearly all matters of policy (Manchin?) and I would happily jump at the opportunity to vote for him instead of having to decide whether I vote for one looney in Trump, throw my vote away on another looney (RFK) as a protest vote, or just don’t vote for president at all.
So . . . heads you win, tails they lose. Seriously, examine your circular logic then get back to us with what is the right thing to do.
Nasler, who had previously said he thought Biden should drop out, reversed course today. Likely an indicator of where today’s meeting is headed. Unless Joe really messes it up.
IMO a handful of any other Republican candidates would win in a landslide vs Biden. As is, even with a demented Biden, this could be a close race. I suspect if Trump wins its due to many democrats not voting at all. Right now our country is so divided that a vast majority of dems will always vote for dems, it's the independents that will decide the election if dems decide to hold their nose and vote for Biden anyway. Like so many here, how did we as a country get to the place where we are down to these two candidates? Thankfully, my hope is not in either one.
Thank you. That person takes both sides of an argument, then claims victory or "I knew it all along."
To clarify. We agree about the people opposing not being blacklisted. My point is the powers that be wont listen and they will make the same self serving choice that republican powers made. This no better. If he stays in the race, neither side will have a high ground to stand on. And if he doesnt, it wont be for some common good reason, it will be for self preservation of their own power. And in that regard both parties are the same.
I think that was pre Biden. His visits have increased lately with Biden, right? That is the concern. If I am wrong, my apologies.
It's intellectually dishonest to expect accountability? That's a new one. If you had said naive, or optimistic, I could rock with that criticism.
I gave you a funny, because I get that perspective and know I seem that way. ...But in fairness that is because I have abandoned the belief that either side has our interests at heart and do indeed find both sides to be at fault. If I wasn't consistent that would tell you that Im not genuine in that belief. So there!
Of course. I was just responding that the decisions he is directly involved in are likely being handled too. No way the guy we saw on that stage is really grasping what a much younger man would in his position.
They said he had 24 visits under Obama. But I’m sure it was just to see Joe. Trump did away with visitor logs, so no Data during that time.
Its called a no win situation Davis. And yes, The Democrats have created one for themselves. They should have had a serious primary with serious candidates and had these hard conversations with Biden six months ago at least.