It is good that you have definitely figured out the grand plan of the universe and know what’s best for each and every one of us.
Biden's bad week just got worse after he said he was the 'first Black woman to serve with a Black president'. So Joe must be the first black women that is transgender to be president of America. That should fill all the boxes for the DEI crowd. Now is time to get back to normal!
So, you "ban guns" do you think bad guys will give up theirs? But where do you stop? Do you ban airplanes so they won't crash into buildings piloted by terrorist? Do you ban knives if guns are removed? Do you ban vehicles so they won't plow into crowds? Do you not think that anyone wanting to commit an evil act won't find a way?
I was just busting Rick’s absolutely minuscule tiny teenie weenie balls for attempting to hijack this convo. This thread is not about the “BOARDER” You’d think with the GOP being so obsessed with the border they’d know how to spell it.
If you're asking if I have found meaning and purpose in life, the answer is yes. I am a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. I firmly believe God who created us has given us a purpose and meaning for life.
It seems you prefer to highlight a misspelled word verses the content of the wide ranging consequences of an open border. I usually don't post on here but the image of laughter at other people's misery seemed more than outrageous. The point is murders, rapes, sex trafficking, crime caused by our open border to me is no laughing matter even if intended to bust the balls of someone you may dislike. My heart hurts for those whose lives have been damaged when so much of it could and should have been prevented. This is not a slam on immigrants, we have a system for citizenship, people who will be vetted and so on, this is about protecting fellow citizens of the US.
Herp Derp! you probably think the absurd amount of gun violence in this country is attributable to video games or rap music and not the ubiquitous presence of guns. Bless your heart.
again this thread is not about the BoArDer ok? That is the only reason I posted that gif. Because of a feeble hijack attempt. This is me explaining this to the smooth brains for the second and final time. Have a blessed day.
I'm sure your words will comfort the victims, too bad you can't personally share that with them I know they would appreciate it.
If right wing nuts wanted better vetting they would have voted for dozens of Democrat proposals adding court resources. They dont. They just want to demonize brown people. Black crime stories are alternated with immigrant crime stories all the time and serve one purpose and it isnt anything to do with the border the right wing refuses to reform. Try that out somewhere less informed.
I didn’t see you comforting the parents at Uvalde or any other school shooting. I know they would appreciate what you selective are outraged about.
Hmmm, kind of like political prisoners of communist countries, they got a fair trial, right? I guess you'd lump Jesus in there too, after all he was tried and convicted. I suppose you feel every single person in jail has gotten a fair trial? Am I right? How many African Americans gotten a fair trial? Under your view, if found guilty case closed. Can jurors be biased? Can jurors have ulterior motives? Can jurors be paid off? Can jurors be misled?
Rich white guy gets hosed in court. Sure. How can I take anyone seriously who compares Trump to Jesus??? Trump must be the most persecuted person since the blessed Jesus to be so innocent.. This guy?
I notice that you keep bringing up color, brown people, black people, seems the one having color issues is you. Do you not know that we were all created by the same God? The only difference is color pigmentation. You must feel that its the color of ones skin that concerns us, not that they may be criminals, or terrorists, or sex traffickers or bringing in drugs. No, it must be the color of their skin. Maybe I misunderstood you.
Trump should never be compared to African Americans when it comes to having a fair trial. Trump is the epitome of white privilege