She's proposed realistic solutions and put them in action in the face of personal threats and her safety.
Yes it would be worse if he stepped down. The party would be splintered with everyone wanting their candidate to get the nomination, not realizing it would just be a deal behind closed doors. It would be worse than when people were angry that Bernie got screwed. Biden isn't going anywhere
Nobody has a Bernie like campaign going, ergo there is no major group of supporters feeling their guy is “getting screwed”. There is no Clinton vs Bernie bros. However, what you are speaking to generally - that the candidate will have to be “decided” in a back room - is probably why Harris would be the most realistic if not the only choice.
It's not a question of if Biden will slip up again but when and how bad. He will be under an intense spotlight from now on until the election if he says in. It's damage control and playing defense from here on out. His campaign will be heavily scripted and everyone will see it for what it is.
“There’s a formal name for this trap: escalation of commitment to a losing course of action. In the face of impending failure, extensive evidence shows that instead of rethinking our plans, we often double down on our decisions. It feels better to be a fighter than a quitter. We stick around too long in dead-end jobs. We stay in unhappy marriages even after friends have counseled us to leave. We stand by candidates even after they violate our principles. Some of the worst leadership decisions of our time can be traced to escalation of commitment. Many people lost their lives because American presidents pursued a futile war in Vietnam ….” Opinion | There’s a Name for the Trap Biden Faces
Am I worried about it personally? No. My point is nothing will happen because there will be no good outcome no matter what happens. The only potential path forward is with Diamond Joe.
I disagree thatit’s the only potential path forward. Another candidate might lose to trump as well given the time constraints. But Biden will certainly lose. It’s tantamount to political suicide to keep Biden in there.
agree. They most likely have a W on the bench. But if they stubbornly stick with Biden and he gets waxed by literally one of the worst potus ever and our country suffers for it, dem party leaders should and will get blowback.
Given the liberal mainstream media’s misrepresentations concerning and/or failure to honestly report on Joe Biden’s substantial cognitive impairment …… no honest right-minded individual should ever, ever take what these media entities report seriously in the future.
I wonder how motivated women and young will be to vote democratic down ticket. The whole party wants women barefoot and pregnant.
A lot of social/behavioral science is just formalizing what has long been known.
Hopefully, I am not the only one who finds this entire situation extremely bizarre and troubling. In the world of politics, optics are everything, right? So, when a bunch of Democratic governors have to travel to DC (as reported by the media) to "check in with Biden to make sure he's okay" (or insert your variant), to me, that's a signal that he's done. The White House would not agree to hold such meetings if he was still going to run. It's too easy for Trump to say in the next debate "you had to have all the governors come and check in with you." I think the Dems painted themselves into a corner with Biden and are now looking for the most graceful, politically correct way to replace him. The big looming issue is Kamala Harris. But it has to be her. If it's anyone other than Kamala, the convention is going to be a shit show. She won't agree to someone else taking her place in line of succession and I can't blame her. There's absolutely no precedent for it in American history.
Yes, we should all just follow truthtellers like Breitbart or NewsMax instead. They would never ever lie.