Think about what small towns lose when or if the local school is not the heart of the town. Where everyone isn't supporting the education. Where they don't all gather for the Friday night football game, the afternoon homecoming parade. Where they lose the contact they had back when they all went to school together.
If Trump is elected we are planning to storm the capital on the 5th... totally catch them by surprise! I'll set aside a moose hat for you but you have to bring your own full stomach to shit in offices when we get in. ***Just kidding if the Secret Service is on THFSG*** or am i?
Sounds like a little nostalgia for you…are you yearning for the good old days? If a school doesn’t offer what the community needs, people will look elsewhere.
we can all work together to make it work for the benefit of everyone, because we all benefit if everyone gets a good education. And we suffer if they don’t.
Exactly. Why do we bother educating young people? So they will have the ability to function and to contribute to society. Beyond the basic skills, there is also the hope that they can learn critical thinking and be informed enough to be not just be residents but citizens ( voting, sitting on juries, participating in our process of self governance). It's not just for shits and giggles, and contrary to the maga bullshit it is not indoctrination into communism or pedophilia. z
I mean it sounds great on paper…what you just wrote makes perfect sense. But in the reality, people will be self serving…as they should. Also, lots and lots of parents who do not value education. I’m not interested in sticking around in a bad school made up of dumbass parents.
Yeah. Thats what we need. People fleeing neighborhoods. Or maybe give people real choice with how THEIR money educates THEIR kids while keeping neighborhoods stable.
People saying its "all about me" to argue against this and quoting Kenedy are missing a very important point. I will sacrifice personal things for this country. I will not do ot at my kids expense. If that makes me selfish, oh well. They come before literally every other person on this earth in this debate.
My take is all the folks bashing big gov, now on the tit. Lets see, I normally pay a grand in school taxes, so now with my 5 kids, Yahtzee! All a political stunt for control. Now I need to go buy some tax free goods..
Number one predictor of student success is your zip code. And not to beat a dead horse but it isn’t YOUR money, it belongs to the public. Your tax contribution doesn’t cover your cost. But by draining public school money you’re making it HARDER for the people you say that you want to help,
People base home decisions on school quality all the time. People even pick up and move to better school districts.