they are too politically correct to tell Kamala no but fear she will lose so they stuck with the devil they knew hoping that he could last past the election would be my guess
Michelle Obama would win going away.
I believe that it is theoretically true. However, I also believe that they can simply transfer the money to the party or form a "leadership PAC" that can spend the money (coordination is, theoretically, harder with the second, but everybody know coordination is happening and nobody seems to care).
Personal attacks indicates that you cannot rationally refute what I said, and therefore you're resorted to personal insults to compensate for your frustrations.
Actually, recent polling shows Harris running closer to Trump than Biden. Who knows.
To further my post above, at some point, the talk, not public and private around his efficacy makes it inevitable regardless of what Joe wants. So leaks like this drive the narrative to its ultimate conclusion, even if they ostensibly give him a path to salvaging things.
That is a small issue I think. They could set up a superpac or refund the money with an easy way for recipients to re-donate the funds. I like governors as well. That is one reason I am not a fan of Harris as President and a dig I had at Biden. But Biden managed well.
That's the most intelligent thing you've posted all day... It's what we expect to see coming from you.
Which, IMO, is a failure of leadership that may have ripples for generations. The Democrats have (had) an opportunity to be the grown up in the room and do what was needed and right, but chose instead to placate and hope. Hope is not a strategy as we are seeing now.
I suspect that we are in the "___ remains the coach and we have full confidence in him" stage. The campaign people seem to recognize that this push is coming from people that fear Harris as the nominee, so they are trying to utilize that fear to stay in the position. The poll that recently came out showing her outperforming all of the Governors and the President is really having some weird impacts on this behind-the-scenes fight. It is slowing some momentum for replacement but then also lowering some of the resistance to it.
My selections: Liz Chaney for President, Adam Kinzinger for VP. Yes, crazy right, two republicans. My rationale - This may appeal to sane GOP voters that are not seduced by the liar and thief. Also - Liz and Adam clearly have demonstrated the courage to stand up to evil. I trust them to keep the constitution and democracy, and our right to vote, in place. Liberals need to swallow hard and accept that, the biggest agenda item on the table is to preserve Democracy from being destroyed by Frump and his party hacks in the supremely corrupt court. I would happily accept normal conservative points of view and legislation from those two as compared to what would come from the election of Frump, his overthrow of the constitution and the totalitarian regime he is so determined to create for himself and his "boys" after he kicks it.
Good luck with that selective outrage. There are more people killed in a day by right wing gun laws than are killed all year by undocumented immigrants. I like how you wished Cypress death so you could laugh. That was funny and pretty evident of your slide over these last few months.
the fact that either of them are worried about being close should be an embarrassment to the democratic party that put them in leadership positions.