NY, LOL. There’s even an outside shot he might get actual more American votes. Russians don’t count!!
Id wouldnt be shocked if Trump craps in his diaper when he loses to a comatose Biden. I can hear the Vice President in name only laughing from her Oval Office.
I think some of you may be underestimating the amount of people who will not vote for Biden. New York has been in single digits for months, before the debate debacle. I know it sounds impossible, but this will go from bad to worse for Biden. Trump will turn out every voter in NY who is predisposed to vote for him. I think Biden's turnout will be horrid, which is how a state like New York (already in single digits in the last three Siena polls) could go red. I see this election going a lot like DeSantis v. Crist.
If the dead people... children... illegals... don't vote. Or... the real citizens vote only once? Probably.
I'm surprised Trump hasn't financed a remake of King Kong, with Kong at the top of Trump Tower instead. And with Kong portrayed as harmless, just a senile old gorilla who wanders off from an exhibit and climbs the building, thinking it's a tree. Kong isn't shot down from the building, but is coaxed down by his mate Jungle Jill.
I would pump the breaks on the exuberance. There is a lot of time between now and election and people don’t give up power so easily.
A democracy with millions of people who refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election is a democracy in grave danger.
Sure thing... Let's see how your side handles losing this coming election. I'm sure your side will call us Nazis...