School choice is a good thing. Some public schools are excellent. Many are not. Make them better and competitive with better admin and teachers…so that folks won’t try to avoid the dumpsters they are.
Easy... "it's all about me". I hear that all the time in political discussions. He cut my taxes, dont care about the rest. He gave us a Supreme court, dont care about the rest. He got rid of abortion, dont care about the rest. He supports school vouchers to my private school, dont care about the rest. Etc Etc
You seem confused lately. It’s our own tax money that follows us to schools of our choice. And then it was CNN is not a liberal leaning tv network.
You owe $103,000 per person in your household to the national debt before you actually get to claim that’s your money.
Oh really? ZERO Influence from federal overlords??? Here’s a not so distant historical photo of “influence from Federal overlords”. Ideally the feds wouldn’t have to. History, and sometimes present reality (10 commandments, bathroom bans, continual resegregaton efforts, funding inequality,etc) shows why it’s occasionally necessary for the feds to step in and protect rights.
We shouldn't even be a republic. We're sure not "united" states, so dissolve the Union and let every state do their thing. SMH Bling, we think alike.
Where's the fed issue in this thread? BTW, in addition to Brown vs. Board, the Fed is responsible for Title I and Ind w Disabilities Ed Act.
Public schools are mostly not that good. Why would I put my children in a dumpster if I have a choice?
This school funding and voucher thing will never be anything but mind boggling to me. People getting $8,000, $16,000k, $32,000k from the govt in vouchers (is there even a limit?) = total legit freedom and not socialism. Some poor public school kids getting ~$300 worth of school lunches = evil communism that must be flushed out. It’s bizarro world stuff. I can see how people on the new voucher dole want that gravy train coming.
Nothing puts a magnifying glass on the anti-American sentiment of the middle and upper class neighborhoods when the break out the "we should not have to pay for those people".