I think I have been quite clear on who the idiots are. They would be those pushing guidance that a 6 month old should go take a shot for Covid this fall.
I, GatorRade, don’t have a 6 month old but don’t think that a Covid vaccine for one is terrible advice.
It is stupid advice. Just like it would be dumb to give your healthy teenager the shot this fall. Really at this point no one needs a shot that is designed for a spike that is no longer in circulation. But people can make that call themselves for sure.
Perhaps it is dumb, but the same criticisms can usually be levied against flu shots, which are usually uncontroversial. Still, I see a vaccine that doesn’t have much risk associated with it, so even if it doesn’t help my infant much, it’s no big deal.
Where did you get that from? Sure there were people who believed that for the early part of the 20th century but most people knew cigarettes were bad for you. In the early 60s they started requiring warning labels on cigarette packs. Do you thing they went from believing they were healthy to requiring warning labels over night?