Right… liberals are angry. Pretty ironic to say that in a thread started by a conservative that is still butthurt about vaccines and masking 2 years later lol.
OP's knows someone who smoked 3 packs a day for 70 years and they are fine. That means cigarettes are not harmful. It is all a government hoax to control what you do with your body. Everyone go light up!
We've lost zero people from "smoking". Millions have died at home with coincidental cases of cancer. Light em up!
I would not suggest smoking three packs a day. The data is there for that just like it was with Covid. The Diamond Princess/Italy/New York showed us who was at risk. Yet we pumped a drug designed for alpha into millions of people unnecessarily (I supported the shot for high risk groups in the beginning).
There is no such thing as cancer. What is commonly misconceived as “lung cancer” is really just the body’s natural response to lung cells absorbing smokey particulates. Or some such nonsense.
You doubt know anything about the health data for smoking any more than you know about covid. You simply choose to believe who you want to believe. Religious zealots dont need data. They need faith that they desperately want to spread to non-believers. Continue your jihad.
I certainly got far more right than wrong. And I will continue to call out the idiots who are still recommending a 6 month old take a covid shot. That is not just wrong. But evil if you ask me. Thankfully medical professionals for the most part are ignoring such stupid guidance.
It appears to me that we humans tend to assume that others who don’t see the world as we do are idiots. Of course if we accept this assumption, we are all idiots.
Any kind of drug can have side effects. I don't think any vaccine should be mandated. I also don't think it is any one else's business if you choose to have the shot or not. We are all different ages with different risk factors. If you are afraid you will get it from someone else, take the shot and stay home I guess. If you have covid, just like the flu stay at home so you don't spread it to others.
Fairly reasonable. Before covid the flu vaccine wasn't a religious test with conservatives. You got it if you felt you needed it. Just like now with covid after the pandemic - like you said, get it if you want to minimize the impact of flu to your life. For a very brief period people were asked to be accommodating for public health and safety and people like the OP and other conservatives used it as a bonding moment against democrats for political purposes instead of using it as a bonding moment for Americans to battle a health danger. Screw them.
Certainly possible. But when you blatantly censor and ignore the data from the beginning. And continue to push a drug on an entire population to this day while the medical community you are supposed to be guiding ignores you... I will go with that group pushing stupid guidance and is an idiot.
Of course, you are going to have good reasons why they are the actual idiots. If you think anyone is an idiot who believes that COVID was a risk to people’s lives and the vaccine lowered that risk, then you believe that I’m an idiot. Now I don’t personally mind this. Why shouldn’t I be the idiot? But note this: I’m not a part of any government conspiracy. I’m regular gator guy just like you who has access to the same data you have. Something is causing me to see this data differently. I think if you are interested in truth, it’s in your interest to be more curious rather than condescending about this fact.
It’s not like God ain’t trying. He wants you to read articles like this … https://michaelsimonson.medium.com/...use-of-this-year-s-excess-deaths-7d92f436643f