Yep, the wacko left is out of their minds with this, just look at the comments from our unhinged local libbies
No. Military personnel are only required to follow lawful orders. If you follow an unlawful order, you can expect to be prosecuted along with the person who ordered it.
Well, its OK since they had their fingers crossed when they said this and they weren’t made to pinkie swear. Chief Justice John Roberts at his confirmation hearing: “No one is above the law under our system and that includes the president. The president is fully bound by the law.” (Sept. 2005) Kavenaugh at his confirmation hearing:the President is subject to the law Alito at his confirmation hearing: no person in this country no matter how high or powerful is above the law.
Someone may have brought it up to you later in the thread but the evidentiary limitation is astounding and makes this much, much worse than you’re thinking.
After the partisan asshats on Republican SCOTUS gave the President all this immunity and even greater protections from prosecution for misbehavior, I hope the American people realize how dangerously stupid it would be to give Trump back the power of the Presidency. I don't care if Biden is half-dead. If he's the Democrat on the ticket, he'll get my vote. Any other Democrat on the ticket will get my vote. Keeping Trump away from the Presidency is what matters.
Glad that after your 2016 Jill Stein vote you’ve finally decided Trump is bad enough that you’ll vote for a flawed but better alternative.
You'd feel a lot differently if you thought President Biden would lie, cheat and steal with immunity like your life-long con-man POS ex-POTUS Trump most certainly will. But you know he won't.
Yep, they are totally cool with the orange god doing it. Anyone else and they would lose their shit. btw the " both sides" thing does not even begin to apply to this and you know it.
Lol, that what your party was trying to do to President Trump. our great Justices just bitch slapped you, Crooks.
This decision is too flawed, too broad, and too extreme to stand the test of time. While it took 12 years to overturn Dred Scott vs Sandford (and that was the mid-1850s), it took 60 years for Plessy vs Ferguson to be overturned by Brown vs Bd of Education. Let us hope this shakes out sooner not later, and no great harm comes to our way of life as a result.
Your POS ex-POTUS Trump was indicted 91 times by different grand juries in different jurisdictions at different levels of government. Yet you believe it was orchestrated by the supposedly senile Biden. (Just like most Trumpers believe the supposedly senile Biden orchestrated stealing the Presidential election, even when GOP candidates were elected ON THE SAME BALLOTS.) Beyond ridiculous. By the way, Trump's legal team APPROVED the jurors in his Manhatten trial that found him GUILTY. And Trump had the right to testify in his defense in that trial but chose not to do so. Two different juries so far have found that your POS exPOTUS Trump is GUILTY as charged.