It's been the league addition that's been years in the making. Texas and Oklahoma finally become full fledged members of the Southeastern Conference. But their introduction to the other teams during lunch time gets a frosty reception.
Does anyone remember why Arkansas left the Southwest Conference? One word: TEXAS "Our fanbase had nothing in common with theirs". Arkansas AD
That is their feud... they need to let that baby poo die there. They're in the big-boy conference now and the SEC doesn't care about that BS.
Lot to see in Missouri. Had a gf living there (Marshfield) and visited her twice - she took me all over the state. Fly into KC the first time and StL the second. Spent a July 4 weekend in Branson at a nature resort (Big Cedar Lodge) with her - then traveled in Arkansas before returning to her place. I was surprised there was so much cool, fun, and interesting aspects to the state - and I know there's more. As to pretty blondes.....just watch a game with them and you'll see them in the stands and cheer squad...