Interesting idea. Article says it is debatable whether it improves awareness and precautions or not. I know the weather channel and MSM would love. Headlines like: Heat Wave Allison kills 19 people! Regardless it is hot hot hot in places right now. Should Heat Waves Be Named like Hurricanes? | Scientific American CLIMATEWIRE | Cities around the world have been testing a new strategy for communicating the dangers of extreme heat. They’re ranking heat waves according to their severity — and in some cases even naming them, the way weather agencies name hurricanes. In theory, these systems could help improve public awareness about the health risks of extreme temperatures. That’s crucial as global temperatures continue to rise. A heat wave ranking program launched in Athens, Greece, in 2021 has now expanded to six cities across the country. The program relies on a tiered system, ranging from category zero, the lowest level, to the most severe heat at Category 3. “There are significant governance, operational and scientific concerns with naming heatwaves, and no evidence that they increase awareness or uptake of heat-preventive measures,” wrote Kristie Ebi, an expert on heat and public health at the University of Washington, in an email to E&E News.
As long as the NWS doesnt name them.(That wont be the case though) Any named storm by the NWS triggers (higher) named storm deductibles on you insurance claim. Winter storms were once only named by The Weather Channel, but now the NWS has taken over that process and blizzards now trigger the higher "named storm" deductible. So if heat causes a fire in the woods behind your house this could get tricky. I say stop naming them because it is likely just a backhanded trick by insurance companies at this point.
Why. And tilly makes a good point about the abuse that could happen from it. Lets just go with remembering them by the year they happened... Earth's worst heat waves of recent decades didn't happen when you think they did | Space 1936 appears to be the worst in America. Earth's worst heat waves of recent decades didn't happen when you think they did | Space This is just nonsense for the agenda pushers.
Then Jim Cantore would have to do live shots standing in the heat wave. Not as riveting as him standing in the wind as people casually walk around behind him.
I think the heat index and a plain English tiered system works best. Moderate risk. High risk. Extreme risk. Etc. Don’t see the point of names when it comes to heat waves. Similarly, as far as hurricanes I don’t give a shit about the name. I care about the path and intensity. The name is trivial. Heat waves also sort of mean different things in different places, 95* for a sustained period is a big deal in NYC or Chicago. In FL it’s a day that ends in Y. So that makes a name scheme even more meaningless.
Please. The last thing we need is Jim Cantore wearing a Speedoo while showering in the fire hydrants of some asphalt jungle.
I am disappointed to see you closed minded curmudgeons dont think heat waves need better marketing. Hurricanes and Snowstorms are getting all the attention and they dont kill nearly as many. Where is the love? Weather Related Fatality and Injury Statistics
Help improve public awareness? I’m pretty sure then public is aware it’s hot outside. Giving it a name won’t change that
Anti-Heatites are a thing apparently. And I am one. Knowing is half the battle and i think I grew a little bit today.