You don't seem to understand President Trump is allowed due process under the Constitution. Thus far, nothing has happened which makes it unconstitutional for him to hold the office. The SCOTUS confirmed this 9-0 when Colorado attempted to remove him from the ballot. You can say all kinds of bad things about Trump. I can say all kinds of bad things about Biden. With Trump, you know if he wins, he's the one calling the shots as per the Constitution. With Biden, you know somebody else is calling the shots and that is uniquely unconstitutional in every respect.
I am sorry. I did not mean to suggest that it’s unconstitutional for him to be president. I am saying is that he will act unconstitutional as president. We have the Mueller report, the Ukraine quid pro quo, and the Jan 6 situations, but also the presidential documents debacle, the “lock her up” chants, his constant picking of what private companies should succeed (including the bizarre endorsement of Goya beans), publicly meddling in other governmental affairs (such as the Chelsea Manning case), his disrespect for speech that he doesn’t like (see executive order on online censorship), etc. That we are assured that it will be Trump himself calling the shots if he becomes president is hardly a solace when he is the one saying things like he will send the national guard into American cities with crime problems. You may say that he won’t really do all the scary things that he’s promised, but then it’s really no different than having someone else call the shots, as president Trump will act as if he is someone different than candidate Trump. To me, it seems like an easy decision to vote for a third party candidate.
Don't kid yourself. CNN's future and reputation are on life-support now. They've been lying like the rest of the liberal media.
LOL if you think that CNN is part of the liberal media. You haven’t been paying attention to their ownership. Typical spouting of nonsense
I may have misunderstood but I think Biden said Trump told Putin to “go ahead and take Ukraine”. If that’s so I wonder why Putin waited until Trump was out of office?
CNN has been left leaning for years, hence the nick name Clinton News Network. Regardless of ownership. You make very good points as to why not Trump. The big question is will Biden or the Dems make the right choice and move to a new candidate while there is still time? Will Biden make the right choice? Read that. I think Biden was referencing this comment made by Trump. Trump basically is sick of NATO free loading military protection on the US tab, and he wants NATO members to up their military spending. It is a threat Trump has made to get the lazy socialists in Europe to pay their fair share in NATO's military expenditures. Trump is right about this: Lazy socialists need to pay their fair share. I don't think he should break the rules of a treaty (a valid criticism), but European freeloading needs to change. The current status quo is a one sided relationship that is maintained by US tax dollars.
I would counter that you havent been paying attention to their on air political affiliations. But I do think they are the least biased. Sort of the least rusty car in the salvage yard. Like I said, kudos to Anderson Cooper. He pulled no punches.
I agree, but it’s hard to imagine Biden stepping down at this point. Certainly not because he isn’t capable anymore. Perhaps if a new medical incident happened, that would give him cover.
At the start of the Ukraine invasion not only did Trump fail to condemn the Russian incursion, Trump said it was a genius move by Putin or something along those lines, and that Putin would get to take Ukraine for next to nothing. Please don’t kid or gaslight yourself into believing it’s some 4d chess to strenghthen European alliances. Everything points to the opposite.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, but since laughing at you has become something of a habit, I guess I’ll do that.
As far as the media discussion - I don't close off my options to any of them. I like Anderson Cooper - he's very good at his job. I don't always agree with him but I enjoy watching his style of interviewing. I routinely watch CNN but also certain commentators and shows on Fox News and MSNBC....I mean who doesn't think Nicolle Wallace isn't hawt! Let's face it. The absolute worst thing about any of these news outlets is the commercials! Next is if the segment is boring....or if the personality is not someone who you enjoy watching and listening to. BTW.....I have a little crush on Kaitlan Collins. She's easy to listen to but more than anything that left eyebrow of hers is very sexy!
Exactly. He is on record for cutting US aid to Ukraine, which effectively hands Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter. Even if he can't pull us out of NATO, he can choose not to act if a NATO member gets attacked by Putin in the future.
I would counter that you would be wrong. They have definitely shifted more rightward due to management. I would suggest that you do a bit of research.
Tragic that half the country is just now waking up to the fact they’ve been deceived and fed the biggest lie in American political history for four years, and they were too ideologically deranged to believe their own eyes.