If I put an iced drink in there at 8pm & just let it sit, there will be ice in there at 8am. I'm not a slow drinker. I love coozies, but I did not see the pt in a Yeti coozie, but I gots 1. My baby gave me an Outer Range 16oz coozie for Father's Day. Now, that makes a lot of sense. they also now make 'em for stovepipes - 19.2oz. See here, as I await Deer Tick & J. Isbell. 12oz coozie vs. the stovepipe.? I might as well be drinking from a straw I look so stupid. "ats Lauren Boebert over my left shoulder. I'd just run her off for trying to grab my junk.
You just kind of glossed over the fact that he essentially eliminated the phrase "climate change" from the state's official vernacular. As if this state needed any more help looking stupid on the national scale. We can just tell people our land is sinking.
This is more likely the result of the CEO of the major balloon manufacturer donating to a LBGTQ+ cause, saying something nice about diversity, drinking a Bud Light, taking his family to Disney, shopping at Target or whatever else it is that pisses off the knuckleheads these days.
This seems like another good move by DeSantis. He's usually pushing for more top-down power. DeSantis vetoes bill preempting local regulation of vacation rentals
Wow, he was no worse than a guy who was governor when I was a child and dont remember? What was a thinking criticizing him!
I guess they'll have to do it the old fashioned way and take a look at the baby, you know where, to determine the gender.
You believe? What did he hug a manatee or something? I wouldnt know. Things have changed a lot in 35-40 years, Graham was governor a few years after Lake Apopka was a superfund site lol. We were literally just dumping phosphate waste into our water. On the same token, someone telling me Biden is the best president on labor since the 1960s (which is true) also just emphasizes how bad things were for like 60 years in between.
And there’s this… DeSantis vetoes bill to bolster warnings about Florida’s polluted waters This piece of legislation was passed unanimously by the legislature (a feat in itself) Can somebody explain the reasoning here?
Same logic as “if you don’t test for covid, there is no covid”. If the state doesn’t have to inform the public over e.coli contamination , then there is no e.coli contamination. Enjoy swimming in shit I guess. Ignorance is bliss. Just don’t open your mouth or eyes underwater in FL.