OMG Biden is floundering. Lost his train of thought, seems frail and weak. His voice sounds weak and flacid. He can barely articulate half his thoughts. Trump is sharp and assertive, he is wiping the floor with him. Biden looks terrified. Jesus, all is lost, nobody on the fence is going to vote for him.
Trump could literally be forcefully reading Green Eggs and Ham from the debate stage and still be soundly winning the debate at this point.
I'm actually impressed and surprised with the questions, format, and moderation--very much agsinst expectations.
Absolutely. Biden has been very ineffective at rebutting Trump's BS. Biden should have mentioned that Trump agreed to the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners including some designated as terrorists, he failed to do so. He should have mentioned Gen. Kelly by name as the source of Trump's statement categorizing soldiers as sucker. Again he failed to do. Trump's false statements regarding the eligibility of immigrants both legal and illegal for social security, Medicare and other benefits and I could go on and on. He could have rebutted Trump's absurd statements on late term abortions including killing babies "after birth". Again Biden failed to return the marshmallow that Trump served up.
That was more good moderating though. Whoever prepped Trump by telling him to answer any January 6th questions by talking about how great the country was then instead of what happened that day devised a brilliant strategy, and Tapper went straight to “you have 80 seconds left, that’s not what I asked you.”
I turned it off after a few minutes, it was exactly what I expected. My fear is this will be the best thing that could happen for the left. I can see Joe being forced out after this. Just my thoughts.
The far left won't let the Dems ditch Kamala on their watch. And Nuisance isn't liked by mainstream Democrats either.
Got to a tv a few minutes ago. Stop talking so much about the past and talk about how we’re going to move forward.
That is what Trump does. Tonight he is slightly more restrained than usual, though, so far. His nonsense sometimes/often has a (tenuous) basis in truth. He just is too big a narcissist to know when to buffer his tendencies.
Interesting. Hadn't thought of that angle. Figured the dems were looking for an out from Doh!, as 51 suggested.