Do you get the historical reference to the question “who will stop clapping first?” There was a large gathering in the Soviet Union and when Khrushchev entered on stage people stood to clap. Everyone clapped as enthusiastically as they could because they didn’t want to seem unenthusiastic. The person who stopped clapping first was shot. After that people were scared to stop clapping until told to.
Well aware of that history and it’s possible future in this country, as evidenced in the House of Representatives last week.
No one plays within the 40 yard lines anymore. "It's my way or the highway." Biden looks like Ronald Reagan compared to trumph. Going with the one who at least isn't making moves to change our Republic.
We should post the transcripts of their speeches: Donald Trump Transcripts | Trump Speeches, Press Conferences & Announcements Roll Call - Joe Biden Transcripts
I'm willing to admit that the photo was doctored. That being said it was posted in direct response to a post from an apparent supporter of the defeated former president who suggested (obviously with no proof) that Biden frequently craps in his pants and by the way I have yet to see an apology or an admission of error from other supporters of the former president who have posted deceptively edited photos of Biden the most recent examples being the D Day photo and the photo of Biden at the G7 greeting paratroopers and intentionally mischaracterized Biden as "wandering off".
Hey G8torGr8t it's cute that you've figured out how to use the dislike button but how about you take me up on my offer to go unedited clip for clip. Nobody has yet surprisingly but you all seem to think you're right. You see, it's easy to get emotional and kick and scream but at the end of the day you have to deal with a little inconvenient thing called reality.
I am not a candidate for president. Being senile seems to be a prerequisite. You came awfully close to a personal attack there.
Ehhh his most recent sharks and electrocution diatribe seemed especially untethered from reality. Just completely nonsensical. He’s no spring chicken. Some cognitive decline is expected by his age.
“Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!," the former president wrote in a post on his social media website, Truth Social.