Eh. I dislike Trump more than most, but could just be a moment where he's holding his son's hand. There's a million things to shit on Trump for, not sure this is one.
I‘m not worried at all about the Saudis trying to take over the world. The Chinese hate us and always have and always will.
While this is misleading it does come from a rally last year where Trump pretended it was full which is a better example of him losing it. Fact Check: Does Photo Show Trump Lean on Don Jr. as He Walks Off Stage? ( The Claim A Reddit post on forum r/WhitePeopleTwitter, posted by user ReviewOk929, posted November 27, 2023, upvoted more than 12,000 times, showed a photo of what looked like Donald Trump holding Donald Trump Jr.'s hand as he walked down a stage. The Reddit post was captioned "Get a load of this..." The screengrab was taken from a post on X by user @DianeBernaerts, viewed 71,000 times, which said: "Wow, trump has to lean on Jr's hand now?" The Facts Whether the posts were intended as a joke or a genuine claim, the photo has been taken out of context, with separate footage showing that Trump did not need assistance. The photo is taken from Trump's rally in Hialeah, Florida, on November 8, 2023. During the event, the former president bragged about the size of the crowd despite videos showing empty seats. Donald Trump Brags About Crowd Size in Front of Empty Seats - Newsweek
Look kids just a tiny bit of research on China should help alleviate any affection you have for them. I'm no fan of the Saudis or Russians either. For the love of all things Holy please read a book or two in your lifetime and stop watching cable news. It's honesty sad.
China has serious demographic, economic, and innovation issues that likely cannot be fixed. All the models that predicted a Chinese economy overtaking the US have been pushed out decades into the 2060's and beyond. They got problems.
Rumors hot and heavy that Democrats are scheming to replace Biden as he is clearly cognitively impaired. But Trump.
Sure, but the dummyrat's inordinate disdain for the toothless declawed bear vs it's ass kissing and kow towing to the mythical smoke cloaked dragon, belies any suggestion of equal oppy hatred. I mean, yall seem to think Trump = Russia, bc it seems the only thing that riles up today's chicom puppet class like DJT, is Russia. Meanhile China can eat our lunch all the live long day, south and Central American gang bangers, Mexican cartel ops, narco trafficantes, sex traffickers, terrorists of every stripe from across the globe, and chicom ops and spies, inter [smorgasbord] alia, can parade through our southern border with absolute impunity, ravage our women folk, terrorize our communities, steal our kids, and wipe their asses with our laws and culture...ALL, on OUR nickel...and all dems can muster is "damn that Trump...and dose pesky ruskies...". Looney tunes. Just. Like. Your. PO(TU)S.
Joe Biden never received payments from the Chinese through Hunter. Republican politicians have been looking for evidence that he did for years and so far came up nothing although there is evidence that Hunter was apparently able to scam a Chinese businessman into believing that he could influence his father. Trump didn't receive Chinese checks from his son. The Chinese paid him directly. Trump’s Conflicts of Interest in China