While there is some truth to that statement one side (it's leader specifically) has made divisiveness a key element of his political strategy. On numerous occasions he has rejected good faith attempts at compromise the most recent example being the bipartisan border security bill, legislation supported by Sen. James Lankford one of the most conservative members of the Senate as well as the union representing Border Patrol agents.
Yeah, it's a false equivalency, like saying getting caught speeding at 100 mph in a school zone or 30 mph in a school zone are the same thing.
If these are national polls, looks like they are, I'd rather discuss presidential polls by state. Unless Dictator Biden unilaterally rules to change US elections, we still use the electoral college as we have throughout US history.
No question that Trump is in a class by himself. But we cant let him reset the standard either. I fear that we will forever live in a "but Trump did worse so its OK" society. Hillary was a very divisive politician. Deplorables, Vast right wing conspiracy etc... Neither side has a single bit of motivation for unity. Zero. Zip. Nada.
And you guys are using the 100mph guy to justify the 30mph guy. Justification is the new democratic strategy I suppose?
I agree with you that 1) Trump is a worse offender than what the democrats are offering currently, but 2) that in itself shouldn’t justify the alternative. If I had to vote for Trump or Biden, I’d vote Biden, but we don’t have to vote for either of these guys. The forward party isn’t running a presidential candidate this cycle, but I’m still keeping an eye on them, as their focus is on fairness of contest rather beating the other side at all costs. Forward Party – Not Left. Not Right. FORWARD.
And the three most significant swing states (WI, MI and PA) are virtually tied. Although Trump is ahead in most polls his margin is well within the statistical margin of error and with the exception of one election in WI which Ron Johnson won by under one percent, Republicans haven't won a statewide election in any of those states since 2016 and not only that the Dems have outperformed in the polls all of those states in every statewide election since 2018.
I must have missed one of Trump’s daughters talking about inappropriate showers he took with them. Biden is a predator and will be dealt with when the time comes.
You're referring to the daughter that he called a piece of a** and told a porn star that she reminded him of said daughter? Then there's the other daughter with whom Trump refused to include in family pictures at one time because he considered her overweight. Not exactly a candidate for father of the year.
Yeah, Trump leads and never mind that Biden led at this time in 2020, Biden is going to win anyway, so says 538. (chuckle)
Well, she is a piece of ass, but said in a loving way. Tiffany, as I understand it, has chosen to stay in the background. At one point, she was finishing college and didn't want the publicity. Good try, but no cigars.
https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/30/trumps-personal-assistant-fired-ivanka-tiffany-1479226 Although Westerhout made that statement when she was seriously inebriated sometimes alcohol loosens inhibitions with people under the influence being more likely to tell the truth than they would be if they were sober.
I'm with you. Under no circumstances will I be voting for either of these 2 idiots. Don't see a viable candidate at this point who could earn my vote. Sad state of affairs that we have these 2 choices to pick from. I wish more people said no. But most are too partisan to take a stand.
By refusing to vote for either of the two major party candidates and I would agree that both are flawed although one much more so than the other you're in effect concurring with the decision of those voters who did vote for the winning candidate. Said it before and conceding that it will never happen at least in my lifetime what we need is a constitutional amendment eliminating the Electoral College and electing the president through the popular vote possibly with a runoff if no candidate receives a majority. It's only the way a third party candidate will have an remote chance of winning a presidential election. Although the current system is deeply flawed it's not going to change since small states would almost certainly not willingly sacrifice their disproportionate share of power in electing the president. Until the system is changed the two major parties will continue to determine who is elected to the presidency and will almost certainly continue to select their candidates through a convoluted primary system.
You must have missed Trump calling his daughter "hot", suggesting he would date her (multiple times) if she wasnt his daughter and agreeing with the sentiment that she is a "piece of ass". Trump: “My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka." Stern: “By the way, your daughter…” Trump: “ - she’s beautiful" Stern: “Can I say this? A piece of ass.” Trump: “Yeah.” Also Trump: "I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her. Isn’t that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?” Rolling Stone interview, September 2015 “After I met Ivanka and praised her to her father, he said, ‘Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father . . .’”
LOL! You have to believe a disgruntled former employee. It suits the lame stream media and lefty losers to believe garbage like this. I've seen plenty of pictures of Tiffany. I would have never described her as being overweight. Now, Trump could stand to lose 20 pounds, but I'll vote for his lard ass anyway, better than the dead man walking antisemitic socialist liar we have now.
Please don't tell me this is from a Howard Stern interview. (chuckle) What can anyone expect from a freak like Stern? So, it was Stern who called Ivanka "piece of ass." Figures, par for the lefty course.
Technically your correct although Trump did say (paraphrasing) that he had no problem with Stern referring to his daughter using that expression.