He was just bragging about agreeing to Biden’s “demands” to the debate in a few weeks. I cannot imagine him backing out now.
Trump is clearly deteriorating before our eyes. Look at how his friendly media edits the crap out of his interviews to make him seem even slightly cogent.
Prediction: Trump's camp will make some ridiculous debate demands that Biden's people will not agree to. Trump will then blame the utter unfairness of the debates and Biden's refusal to even attempt to negotiate as a basis to withdraw from what was going to be the most unfair debates in the history of presidential debates.
Lame stream media with democratic party talking points while whistling past the graveyard. You dems are delusional.
This seems like one of those situations of believe what you see and not what other people tell you they see. What do we see on video that we can verify (outside of AI possibilities of course)? We see that while Trump is a lot of things, he seems fine age wise with regards to keeping a coherent thought and speaking in front of people without issues. Biden can barely make coherent sentences and is CLEARLY not all there anymore. This isn't Obama's Biden and its not even the Biden that beat Trump four years ago. If you want to argue that we shouldn't have either one as our president due to both of their ages and cognitive ability, Im all good with that but lets cut the BS.
I would think if the lefties were worried about the mental well being of the President they would more be concerned about Joe being in charge the last 4 years.
Trump sounds fine to you??? That is shocking. Biden was never my first choice for anything. There is maybe only one person I would support him over and that one person is Trump.
How about this, lets start posting comparison videos. I can find (already have) videos of Trump speaking recently unedited. Lets see your examples from Biden and make an informed decision on who's more cogent. This is strictly about age and cognitive ability as this is the thread you all decided to post here instead of attacking the hundreds of other things you can legitimately say about Trump Do you accept the challenge?
Sounds fine compared to Biden, absolutely. Its not even remotely close. I don't want either of them due to their age and baggage. But this is the topic of the thread and something people complain about while happily supporting Joe. Im happy that you know that Biden has many flaws and Im totally fine with you picking him only over Trump for your reasons. However, its the hypocrisy that I have problems with (not saying its from you).
This is insane Biden has many senior moments where he loses his train of thought but he shuts up regroups and continues. The verbal diarrhea that comes from Trump is not rational, logical or explainable. There is an old saying that I like. When you get lost shut up people might suspect your crazy don’t open your mouth and confirm your craziness.
The narrative four years ago was Biden was already in cognitive decline and Harris would be running for re-election in 2024. Now, it's compare Biden to himself four years ago and you'll see he's definitely in cognitive decline! Sorry, but I didn't buy it four years ago. And I'm not buying it now. Both Biden and Trump have their senior moments, but I don't think either should be disqualified for POTUS because of their age. I'm more concerned with policies, and the kind of people each candidate would surround themselves with. Biden seems to have a competent cabinet. Trump? It was a disaster from day 1 last time, and now, his "people" fall into one of three camps. Convicted felons, those who learned who Trump is and will never work for him again, or true sycophants who will be nothing but yes men for Trump. No thank you.
Biden talks to a paratrooper or stands on stage and you all lose your collective sanity. Donald Trump spends 8 minutes talking about sharks and sinking boat batteries, then rambles incoherently to CEOs, all before claiming he is mentally competent from a doctor whose name he can’t remember correctly. Trump talks loud and with certainty which supporters mistake for competency. Donald Trump saying crazy things with conviction means he is more crazy than you think, not less.