Correct. From the field the players and fans just see dark colored panels. You probably wouldn't even notice them.
I think the only thing that can save college sports is congressional action. A system has to be fubar when you look for help from the government. lol
There is precedent and I'm surprised a lawyer hasn't tried to use it as evidence to support a case If regular students can unionize then why not athletes? Graduate student employee unionization - Wikipedia
Well, they recently eliminated the only slight difference between the two when they decided to share revenues and allow payments directly from the schools. I can’t see how the players wouldn’t be successful in arguing that they are employed by the school and can organize if they choose to. Personaly, I think its inevitable.
Here we go boys College sports conferences ‘exploring’ naming-rights sponsorships Can't wait to watch the Publix Alligators play the Walmart Blue Tide for the Costco Conference Championship soon!! Maybe they can open the championship to the liberty insurance jingle instead of the national anthem. Will they still take a knee? This post was sponsored by waffle house. All opinions of the poster are their own and do not represent the beliefs or opinions of waffle house.