jo, you know EXACTLY who these people are. They are the reincarnation of Jim Crow Southerners of 1877 to 1969. What more evidence do you need? They sacked the capital Jan. 6th! Murdered police!! Were calling for violent revolution, the ripping apart of the Constitution and supported the illegal ascenion of power of a man that has clearly made his goal of being a totalitarian dictator public. And most of them hide behind waving American Flags and the King James Bible.
I don't own a bump stock and don't plan on buying one, but I find it funny that so many here seem to think that gun laws ever stopped someone from killing people. It is easy enough for someone to make one if they want to and I not think a murderer cares about gun laws or any law.
The problem is that you assume rationality. Essentially, you are assuming that every murder is planned and not based on short-term emotional outbursts. In the real world, this is, of course, complete nonsense. There is a reason that countries with less guns tend to have much lower murder rates.
You are absolutely right. Mass shootings have never been a problem in the country. Carry on and tell those platitudes to the families of the next group that gets shot.
Do you have a problem reading? I never said anything close to that. Laws have not stopped mass shooting or any murder of any kind. The bump stock ban didn't stop them from happening. I really don't care if they are against the law, but I am not fool enough to think that them being against the law is going to stop some nut job from killing people with one or by or using some other means.
Matthew Kacsmaryk the judicial nominee that keeps on giving and if Trump is elected we can expect many more judges like Kacsmaryk and Aileen Cannon especially if the Republicans regain a Senate majority.
You obviously have no problem with the status quo as you are clearly in favor of doing nothing about it. Carry on.
It is funny how this logic of only passing laws if they fully stop an activity only applies to gun laws. What are your thoughts on drug laws? Immigration laws? Both of those don't stop their activities. You good with getting rid of all of those?
So you are for people being put in jail for smoking or growing pot? If not then does that mean you are against all drug laws? No reason to pass more that don't work. And I am sure there are plenty of bad drug laws and immigration laws that should not have been passed. If they can pass some that work I am all for it. I didn't say I was against laws, only ones that will not work and anyone with a brain would know they will not work and are passed only for political show.
Presidential proclamations are no substitute for legislative action. Trump found that out on immigration. Biden on guns. At some point it’s going to have to get bad enough for them to do something… really bad apparently.
Nope. I'm against drug laws (and do not favor gun bans). Are you in favor of putting people in jail for selling fentanyl? If yes, then your argument falls apart, as people regularly use and sell fentanyl. Nobody seems to reasonably believe that the activity will be stopped by laws, so why pass or enforce such a law?
Walking , talking definition of insanity in our midst. No one is coming to your door for your precious guns. I hope no one you care about gets caught up in a mass shooting.
The idea of mitigation is completely lost on some people. If a law doesn’t prevent all gun violence then they think it’s worthless. If you don’t think the proliferation of firearms in this country is a contributing factor to our excessive gun violence then you’re a moron.
It appears that laws stopped mass shooting in Australia. Certainly has in other places like Japan. If laws were effective in so many other nations, why do you suspect that they would not be effective (esp. in the long term) in the U.S.?
This one is technically Trump figuring it out on guns. Biden is currently learning it in the lower courts on the the pistol brace rule and the receiver/frame rule.
Wait, what? - A law requiring training might not have educated or scared the 18 year old who bought weapons for the younger Columbine shooters, and prevented her from doing so? - A law requiring training might not have educated the woman with the mentally ill son, and convinced her to lock up her AR-15, possibly preventing the Sandy Hook shooting or scope of it? - A law preventing 18 year-olds from buying AR-15s or other high powered rifles might not have prevented the Uvalde shooting, or the scope of killing? - A better NICs/background check system might not have prevented the Charleston church shooting? (since Dylan Roof should have been denied firearms purchase ability) - Closing the gun show loophole might not prevent some criminals from obtaining weapons, probably preventing some murders and shootings? And we could go on and on and on and on..... Bro, you just say stupid shit over and over again to the point that you actually believe it. But that obviously doesn't make it true. Or make anyone else believe your nonsense. Do you actually know anything about these incidents?
I never said that no laws work, but many that are passed are total BS. We have rights here that the people of Australia don't have. Good luck trying to get people here to turn their guns in. They will not and they shouldn't.