Can’t make this stuff up, lol. This is the type of politics we’ve allowed into our country since electing Trump into office in 2016. No qualifications required! Just say a bunch of random nonsense and uneducated rubes will vote for you. Questions must have been too hard for his brain to process so he ran away.
What's disappointing is that people aren't even willing to debate anymore. There are not a lot of good alternatives once we lose the ability to hold dialogue with people we disagree with.
District 2 in GA is a wierd district that carves out as many minorities from Macon and Columbus as they can get away from other districts to keep those others red. This district is where GOP candidates lose 45/55 so I guess they are putting up candidates that are going out with a bang. This GOP candidate was rioter/insurrectionist convicted of Jan 6 storming the capital. The other candidate lives in Macon a few miles from the gerrymandered divide where rules allow Georgians to run in districts they dont live in. The Dem candidate lives in the district and isnt convicted of a crime.
If I lived in his district, he'd have my vote. He seems very sincere. Sincerity is a huge upgrade over what the Bidenistas throw at us daily.
Jesus, with your reasoning ability, no wonder maga keeps electing morons. He walked out on another republican, not a "bidenista". Damn, the bar has gotten so low for maga.
What happened to removing your ball cap indoors? Surprised he didn't have a spit cup on stage with him.
Uh oh, he has some January 6th baggage. Georgia Republican convicted in Jan. 6 riot walks out during televised congressional primary debate
Trump Qualifications for potential MAGA political candidates. 1) No more than a 6th grade education. 2) Rotten Teeth (UT is a popular site for future MAGA leaders) 3) Sunday best is defined as a "washed" set of Overalls, dirty tee shirt is OK. 4) Snuff or Chew as the tobacco of preference. 5) Total and unequivocable loyalty to Trump 6) Must have updated Trumpy Bear dolls. 7) Portrait of the Great Leader in every room in the home. 8) Pledges fealty to N Korea and Russia. 9) Vandlaizes American Military cemetaries as a right of passage. 10) Picks buggers during debates. 11) Commits to "egging" the "Squads" homes at leat once per year. 12) Don't use toilet paper.