I’ve been generally good with Biden. I think he’s done an above average job. But he is just too old to go 4 more years, and the threat of Trump is so great I’d accept (some very begrudgingly) most candidates on either side of the aisle just to get rid of Trump.
Guess by your standards you should ticket yourself next time you go 31 in a 30mph zone. Nobody is above the law.
Criminal thinking 101: not upset at doing something wrong, upset about getting caught. Prisons are full of those types.
I throw in the pardons as an incentive for both candidates to actually do it. Heck create a go fund me for both candidates but only if they’d retire.
So you think it's legal or acceptable to call up state Secretaries of State and ask them to find you votes? To create fake slates of electors in states you lost? TO repeatedly tell outright lies about fake election fraud that you've been told by experts, including courts, are not correct? You think that criminal crap is LEGAL? Or wait, it's legal because "Boo hoo hoo, the prosecutor f****d one of the assistant prosecutors!" ? And that doesn't even approach the other crimes. Like having an underling move stolen classified documents when hearing that agents are coming to seize them. Man, you Trump cultists are such enablers of crime, you are literally almost criminals yourselves.
The bolded is where I think a lot of people are. And what that tells me, is that there is a fair number of Democrats and a larger number of independents that do not want a K Harris for president.
I can't even begin to approach getting on board with anything that even remotely suggests an equivalence between bumbling, old career pol Biden and bumbling, old, lying, hateful career criminal and traitor to his country Trump. Tbh, it disappoints me to see anyone talk about them both together, as bad candidates. One is an actual convicted felon and a traitor. The other, not.
This does not at all suggest an equivalence. It suggests the existential threat of Trump, and many of us would go to great lengths to avoid the possibility. But if there isn’t some level of equivalence in the terms then it wouldn’t have a chance.
Quote #2 is in direct response to quote #1. Quote #3 is out of left field has nothing to do with the post you quoted.
People can be unpopular and bad candidates for completely different reasons. When the president is running double digits behind Senate candidates in some places, its kinda about you, not the party.
Sure. I'm not denying anything, I'm just saying that it's silly. Especially among educated people, like all those (non-Trumpies) on this board. Equating Biden to Trump is absurd. I'll actually take it a step further; the mainstream acceptance of making Hillary and Trump morally equivalent in 2016 was absurd and disastrous for our country. (See Giant Douche vs Turn Sandwich.) One was just a shrill, past-sell-date career pol. The other a traitorous un-American criminal. I didn't like it then and I don't now.
I would be pissed for I got pulled over for going 31 but at the end of the day I would have broken the law. Here's the difference. You guys act like Trump didn't break the law and he did. Law and order needed to be restored in New York.
That's why its presented as a 'grand bargain.' Joe Biden could just walk away himself, the Dems could run a younger candidate and win with bigger margins against a convicted felon who is not especially popular. You dont need to make a deal to do that. To get Republican buy-in, and Trump off the table, you give them a better chance to win the election by running almost anyone else. That's how deals are made. That being said, its all fantasy anyways.
And you guys act like if Donald Trump were Donald Trump the regular non political citizen he would have still been tried and convicted which you know is total bull shit.
I think you're probably half correct. The Stormy case and the tax case likely never get prosecuted if Trump hadn't been President, or had he just lost and walked away like the 45 losing candidates had done so before him, but I think the documents case and the GA indictment (which includes attempts by Trump surrogates to illegally access voting machines in rural GA counties) would have been brought in any event, in my opinion.