Grown men sitting in offices deciding that children are shields on one side and collateral damage on the other side shows that we are one bad growing season from eating each other. Barbaric.
Don’t disagree. I posted this in the dday thread, but to a point made above, it’s also appropriate here. War is the worst of us.
No entity on this planet is able to prevent HAMAS or some equivalent form of it under a new name to reform, rearm and continue the cycle of violence. In fact I think it will be more virulant. No matter how many the IDF kills, intense multi-generational HATE, stoked to an inferno, will bring in the new accolytes of Islamic religous idolatry, to fill the vacuum. No one knows this better than BiBi. He's just welding the sword and cutting through flesh. There will be blood, and he's decided to go Old Testement and is fully supported in doing so by his political coalition. Hell, many of them are screaming he ain't killing enough.
Absolutely not. I think you should care and applaud you for it. War is a God awful horrible thing. Israel knew better than anyone what this war would mean. They live this every day while we debate 2 OL coaches. As someone else stated Gaza is basically an entire region of subterranean tunnels full of weapons and fighters. Air strikes alone would barely degrade Hamas capabilities to carry out additional strikes. And that is the purpose of kinetic ops. To degrade the enemy’s ability to conduct combat operations. As I have documented before it’s established statistical fact that 80-90% of all casualties in urban combat are civilian and the ONLY way to prevent this from continuing into perpetuity is for Hamas to realize their human shield strategy will no longer work. That means continued operations and putting ordinance where the enemy is today. Including a child’s bedroom. Rafah operation: IDF finds tunnel shaft in child's bedroom | PHOTOS - I24NEWS
Barbaric. Interesting word choice. Do you believe present day CityGator could use his intellect and diplomatic acumen to bring the original Barbarians to the table to negotiate a peace deal ? Or do you think it’s more likely they would shake your hand and then proceed to immediately bludgeon you to death and enslave your wife.
Yeah, and how much of this behavior, from either side, should the US tolerate and financially support? These religous extremists (both sides) are CRAZY.
If we cant, what duty of it is ours to fund one of the barbarians and supply them unlimited weapons and ammo in their violent pursuits? If you see a few criminals fighting are you putting down money on the one that looks the strongest?
Yeah, right. Israel has suffered approximately 60 deaths to terrorism per year since 1948, appx 45 per year not counting the year of 2023. And this obviously isn't just limited to terrorism associated with Gaza or Hamas. But killing over 30,000 civilians, with a majority being women and children, is going to significantly bring this number down. Sure. I mean, it also seems pretty reasonable, right? 4,688 total deaths due to terrorism over the past 76 years certainly justifies killing over 30,000 civilians (and counting) in roughly 9 months, making nearly 2 million people homeless, and probably causing an impending famine event that will affect estimates of over 1 million people. It's laughable. Oh, also really like your euphemism for killing civilians : "putting ordinance where the enemy is today." If you just say "killing civilians" with different words, it really changes things. That should very dramatically reduce the amount of Israelis killed in terrorist attacks. Total Since 1920 5,373 Total Since 1948** 4,688 Number of Terrorism Fatalities in Israel
The Original barbarians go back to what, the 7th century? (Islam) and frankly much deeper into history - as in the damn Bronze Age. Those tribes in that region have murdered each over over land and treasure deep into the mist of time. This barbarity is not confined to just one side either, although I certainly support Israel over the monsters of Islam. I don't know, perhaps Bibi is right, the only solution is annihilation by one side or the other. Push the bastards out of Gaza and the West Bank. But then..... but then..... What does Israel become? The very "THING" that they escaped from and reformed their country/society for? I'm sorry, genocide, is genocide, I don't give a shit what kind of political spin or lipstick you put on it. This is the lowest form of societal and cultural behavior, frankly THIS IS Bronze Age B.S. Both sides shield themselves with the armor of religous rightousness, well this is the world both sides have created for themselves. Can't get on a bus, gotta string barbed wire and build walls, and they just keep on doing it, year after year, decade after decade, century after century, millenia after millenia.
Shame on them for bombing innocent children. By the way how many children were killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
It's certainly open to debate, but prevailing opinion was that fewer people died in those attacks than would have if the United States had to invade Japan. Now, if we extrapolate out the annual Israeli civilian deaths due to terrorism, AND we (irrationally) assume that every last one of them occurred due to the situation with Gaza/Hamas..........then it would take approximately 500 years for the Israeli deaths to equal the amount of civilians they've killed over the past 9 months. And that doesn't include the displaced or soon to be starving. So your comparison is pretty much totally invalid. Other than that though, good work.
just as WB, you have the luxury of being flippant. You want it to stop, the ONLY way it will is when the human shield strategy no longer works for Hamas, as grotesque as that seems in the short term. As I said, you are unwittingly emboldening Hamas strategy so you are going to get more of what you claim to object. Hamas is the one co locating weapons and fighters with civilians. I’m sure the Israelis would love the fight to be in the open away from civilian populations.