I thought I understood dead democrats voting but now they are actually running for office and winning? Deceased Rep. Donald Payne Jr. wins New Jersey primary
When you run unopposed, you can still win when just one person votes for you. BTW, there is already a special election scheduled in July, so this just seems like they were locked in because the guy only died a couple of months ago, I'm guessing after the ballot had already been finalized.
Meh, a dead person in office is likely a step up from a lot of politicians. Just Weekend at Bernie's the whole congress and we might be better off.
When you are trying to make a stupid point, at least try to be honest. The guy was running unopposed and died after the qualifying period for another candidate to get on the ballot. Shame on you for posting something like this.
No worries. He can be as productive as Jim Jordan from a coffin. House speaker hopeful Jim Jordan has never passed a bill signed into law Critics of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) have increasingly pointed to this — most notably the fact that he has yet to get a bill signed into law since being elected in 2006.
Just a guess he probably read the headline and didn't bother reading the article itself. In fact, it's very possible that he read the headline on a different website and just posted the link.
Given this was made clear in the article the OP posted, and it still didn’t sink in, do you think there is any chance he will understand it when you post it?
One wonders how he keeps getting elected. He is one obnoxious human. Same with MTG. My theory is that these repeated re-election anomalies can only be explained by the gerrymandering of polluted gene pools. PS: I'm serious.
Meanwhile at Biden and Trump headquarters: "Aha! There is our roadmap if it cones down to it!" (Probably)
In fairness, His snarky sarcasm has always been a part of his history too. And he got funny ratings from a diverse group on this one. I think "Lighten up Francis" memes apply here.