Curious what the board thinks about her saga. I'm probably like most persons - Have a cursory knowledge of the trials and the charges. My take - The Italian Courts have found her guilty, not guilty, etc. etc. We all know this. Considering that I find the Italian Judicial System (What LITTLE I know about it) as being likely more corrupt than our own here in the US I don't know what to believe. I don't believe Amanda Knox is "pure as the driven snow" by any means. She gave conflicting statments in her accounts, and by way of the above link, seemingly falsely accused another. Her actions revealed in the trial also suggest she was not just in Italy locked in a room studying 16 hours a day and going to mass regularly. She may have not committed murder but my own brief review of the case suggests she may have had some level of culpability. I know the victims mom thinks so. Anyway, it's troubling when cases like this or Benet Ramsey, or countless others are not resolved or the courts seem to stumble so badly, the issue becomes the "Court" and not the perp or the victim. Anyone have opinions on this?
Don't know about Italian police corruption, but my past readings on the topic looked more like lazy negligence than corruption. My understanding is that there is zero hard evidence linking her to the crime, but the Italian law enforcement honed in on her as their suspect because she had the most likely opportunity and she "acted suspicious."
Well, foxy Knoxy still looks good. But at this point in her life I'd stay a million miles away from Italy and their kangaroo court system.
All I know about Italian police is that a chief left a mobsters house with his hand pointing out of an ice bucket that he was carrying with his other hand in Equalizer 3.
Yes J - Seemed like the court of Italian social media opinion, had her tried and convicted before the first Jurists were appointed. Neverthless, he case did have some "holes" that were certainly grounds for suspicion.
I didn't follow the murder investigation/trial closely at the time. Sam Harris had a pretty interesting discussion with her on Making Sense awhile back. One things I got from her version of events is that she made a mistake by attempting to answer all the police's questions with her partial and non-fluent understanding of Italian and that likely created confusion with her answers. She also noted that one of the cops seemed to get very angry at her when she cussed in frustration because he knew that word in English and thought she was cussing at him. She seemed pretty credible to me, but it wouldn't be fair for to have a strong opinion without hearing the other side of the story.
They tried and imprisoned the guy who actually killed the roommate. The other side of the story is that for some reason her and the Italian guy she was hooking up with decided to team up with a drifter to kill her roommate for some kind of weird sex thing.
Reconvicted of slander is the current headline, but saying she will appeal. If it were me I wouldn't be going anywhere near Italy at this point.
Between the Pope's pedophile inner circle and European views on women, they sure have a vivid sexual imagination in the Italian court system.
I never would have went back. Once I got released and returned to the US, never leaving anywhere again if there's the possibility of me facing some crap like that again. Don't care what they are saying to besmirch my name over there.