A father proudly assaults a black administrator to keep his graduating daughter from shaking his hand. Same HS with group Nazi salute 5 years. I so hate these people. Does not appear to be any consequences
Exactly. He emboldens these sentiments. He speaks for them. This guy may be more extreme and more willing to take public action but sentiments like his number in the millions and are the main reason DT has so much support
He will probably take that disorderly as a badge of honor. But what did he think happens at school every day? Are there no kids of color there? And is it possible he had a beef with the guy and it spilled over here?
LOL at not identifying him to protect his daughter. The graduation video is on YouTube and they announce the graduates names.
This is a good point. How do we know it was over race? Just because a random twitter account said it was race-related or is there some sort of admission to that effect?
Trump openly emboldens pieces of shit like this man. Yet another reason why the 2024 election is the most important of our lives.
Hmmm - Look at the HS pic. Looks very white and very male. Looks like "Der Fuhrer" is making a comeback. Lock "Dad" up for 30 days on bread and water if I was in charge. Thank you (at the time) President Trump for setting a great example in VA, bringing the fine Facists and Nazis together, for H.S. kids like these Wisc. youth to emulate. Well at least in todays times if they are on camera or video they are marked for life. I can relate to Jewish folks that get infuriated with crap like this.
This happened this week too. I’m always struck by folks first inclination being racism. To be clear, of course it could have been. But what kind of a guy buys an apt building in Harlem and then won’t rent or sell to AA’s? It doesn’t make sense. Maybe his income wasn’t seen as steady, maybe his credit score stunk, didn’t have any reserve funds, or maybe he just came off as an ass when he met with him and he didn’t want the trouble. Just kinda reminded me of the story above, sure he might be a racist dick, and if he is, shame him…but he could also just be an ahole who was mad about some policy they enacted, or his daughter had some bad interaction with the school and he blames him. Or they were neighbors who didn’t get along, or had a beef going back to HS between them. But the default always seems to be racism. Kind of a sign of the times and our culture, both fair and unfair.
The scariest part of that statement is "he will vote". If there's one thing these racists know how to do, it's how to get to the voting booths.
In Florida it is at least a battery, arguably a kidnapping and definitely a false imprisonment. It should be prosecuted as a hate crime. Throw the book at him. Charging this as a disorderly conduct is a disgrace to the criminal justice system.
Wisconsin statutes: 940.30 False imprisonment. Whoever intentionally confines or restrains another without the person's consent and with knowledge that he or she has no lawful authority to do so is guilty of a Class H felony.
I thought the four paragraphs didn’t apply to government docs because there’s not copyright? Asking for future reference.