it is factual. trump attorney even issued a cease and decease letter trying to stop the story. if the reporting is not factual, trump jsut found a way to pay his fines. Let's see if he sues for defamation and wins. the publication was put on notice and published anyway. slam dunk if facts are incorrect. You taking odds? Donald Trump Attorney Tried to Kill Latest Legal Bombshell: Report ( ProPublica said that one of Trump's attorneys, David Warrington, sent a cease-and-desist letter demanding the article not be published. The cease-and-decease letter, seen by Newsweek, states: "If ProPublica proceeds with publishing an article intimating that the routine payment of salaries and invoices amounts to criminal conduct on the part of President Trump or others, the article would constitute defamation per se under applicable state law.
Let time prove them true and we’ll see. They’re not true just because a left lean rag said it and you libs like what they said
No, you won't wait and see upon proof. You'll regurgitate whatever talking points are fed to you to deny the allegation and discredit the proof.
Are you seriously wondering how many people had their pay double on a campaign at exactly the time that indictments came down?
When poster, in order to maintain his narrative of conformational bias, has to proclaim that media bias fact checkers are conspiring against the right .... you know you won. OMG
Not sure he believes that, seems more like he sees issues one side that seem to get ignored most of the time.
Ask Comer and Jordan, they've been up and down Biden's financials for over a year now. That statement, favoring a rapist and convicted thief over Biden by 1000 squared, confirms the moral collapse of what was formally known as the Republican party is complete. Congrats on achieving total moral bankruptcy.
Too funny, If you took some time to do a little experiment over time it would open your eyes to what I am saying.....Try going to your favorite fact checker and enter the word Trump, you will have no problem finding what you want. Then enter Biden and you will see that they skirt around stories. Try searching for Hunter Biden then Donald Trump Jr. Just for the heck of it let's pick random names from the left & right, let's try Judge Merchan and Governor DeSantis. Are you starting to see how the fact checkers are skirting questionable actions from those on the left and going right after the right? Do it over time now. This only shows the bias in the fact checkers search button, pay a little closer attention and you will see it extends much further.
Or you may feel that way because right wing media sources are blatantly lying about people like Biden and Merchan while downplaying anything negative about Trump and co which anchors your biases. I'll go check out FoxNews when there's something undeniably bad about Trump and they don't report it directly - it will be something like "Rubio slams Democrats reaction to x thing that Trump did." Then maybe 25 stories down will be a brief story. Only one media organization has had to pay out nearly a billion dollars for lying to its audience, and the other sources to the right of Fox are even worse.
No you're not. You're clearly in the cult of the felon, rapist adulterer, and you've made that perfectly clear. You're as "open to future evidence" as that hack Aileen Cannon is : just make that specious claim, delay and avoid as much as you can, and deny when forced to see it. It's pretty amazing that grown adults got sucked into a cult for a traitor criminal. Fun to watch.
Funny thing. People who lie often get called liars often. Kind of like people who break the law all the time get prosecuted. Who knew?