As opposed to Kamala Harris who served as AG of the largest state in the country and U.S. Senator before becoming VP? I'm not sure what qualifications you want, but her qualifications were perfectly fine.
A third party ticket of Laura Bush and Michelle Obama would be awesome. They would wipe the floor with Trump/Lickspittle and Biden/Harris in the debates.
Which she quit about 2 years in. So your hero VP candidate had been governor for less than 2 years when she ran as VP candidate, and mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, population 9,000, for 6 years. That's pretty impressive indeed. Much more so than serving as Attorney General of the most populous state in the country for 6 years, and US Senator for 4. Funny stuff.
You think? As I recall, 2016 was far more a rejection of Clinton than it was an affirmation of Trump. One of Trump’s biggest mistakes over the next four years was forgetting that. Putting her back on the ticket would be a mistake just as grave. First, because it would be an open admission that Harris was a poor selection. Second, presently, the swing voters have a lot more reason to dislike Trump than Biden. Why throw Trump a lifeline by bringing back someone they reviled so much in 2016 they were willing to hold their nose and vote for him?
I can see how you could get that idea. I didn’t meaning that Harris didn’t have experience, but that M Obama has literally none.
Wow man you read stuff into posts like nobody I’ve ever seen. Where did you get Palin was a hero VP candidate from my post? You do it time and again, is this just your way of trying get a rise or do you really have that much trouble understanding a simple one line post?
switching VP choice at this point would be a major blow to an already uninspiring candidate. Biden is old and has a hard time inspiring or resonating with voters already.
I think you already know the answer to that, but I’ll say it anyway. It is to make a distinction in speech (where you can’t see capital letters) between the political party (Democrat) and the concept (democratic). Far easier than saying “big D” or “small D” every time one desires to make the distinction. Republicans have an interest in making the distinction, and Democrats have an interest in blurring the distinction. That’s the reason.
Because a Democrat politician and a democratic one may not be the same thing and a democratic one can obviously exist on both sides of the aisle
She was 8 years in the WH and active to boot. However, she doesn't want the job, nor would I. I would like the helicopter and airplane, though!
As if they won't if she runs with Trump and as if answering in the affirmative will steer anybody to Hillary's camp who isn't there already. Sorry, Tulsi came to her senses and grew up.