My brother and his family lived in Africa for six years. His kids grew up deathly afraid of mosquitos. Took them a while to get over he retired and moved back to Florida.
Congratulations BLING, you didn’t even wait for the replies to take a serious issue political. Well done sir!!
The latest in, you have to be incredibly stupid to be a Republican leader these days. We are doomed and ungovernable due to ignorance As its top priority for the coming Florida legislative session, the Tampa Bay Young Republicans have adopted a surprising cause: banning weather modification in Florida. The cause, which is gaining popularity among other conservatives nationally — including the Tennessee Legislature — seems to skirt a line between legitimate health and environmental concerns and unfounded conspiracy theory. The Tennessee legislature passed a ban after some lawmakers voiced concern about chemtrails — a fringe theory that typical jet contrails actually consist of toxic, government-made chemicals intended for population or mind control, not just weather control. But they also advocate banning even mosquito control spraying, which has been done in Florida for decades and, some would say, is what makes much of the state habitable. Young Republicans seek ban on weather modification They also advocate a ban on mosquito control spraying. Young Republicans seek ban on weather modification They also advocate a ban on mosquito control spraying. - Tampa Bay Times
I never mentioned politics in my year old OP. However… Sounds like some Republicans are in fact pro-Malaria. I guess the 7 cases from 2023 weren’t enough. Maybe you should take this up with them. Republicans making mosquito control a political issue. Don’t let AgingGator hear about this.
You made it political with your dopehead comment and you know it. The timing of your first post here is irrelevant.
Things that are not political statements; Hydroxychloriquin is a useful treatment for Malaria. Hydroxychloriquin is NOT useful for treatment of Covid. If you want to infer politics into the notion there are morons pushing bad medical advice or that would be contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian, that sounds like more of a you problem. I notice you also gloss over that some of those very same “dopeheads” are apparently now pushing against Mosquito control, I.e. they are continuing to play politics with public health just as they did in 2020. If you are upset with “getting political” on these matters I’d recommend you direct your ire where it belongs.
Sorry. Wasn’t trying to hijack. If I see something interesting, I first try to find an existing thread, and saw this one
I think in the book freakonomics they thought that the banning of ddt was the single deadliest to humans decision ever made. It’s been a while so I may be off on fax a but not the conclusion.
I wonder how they came to that conclusion. In the first world, where DDT is banned, malaria is very rare or nonexistent. We had 7 cases in FL and 1 in TX last year and that was a big outlier. Doesn’t seem like DDT is banned at all in the parts of the world where Malaria is most active, and there are hundreds of millions of cases. I’m guessing in a lot of those Malaria hotspots the issue is complete lack of mosquito control (along with poverty and lack of healthcare). Obviously some of these environments are also far more tropical than south FL.
Isn't there a member of the forum who doesn't believe that mosquitos exist? Malaria has to be caused by something else, though certainly not germs.