Several right-leaning posters have used the phrase about shoving things down their throats. I'll stop short of naming names, but it's been a common refrain on the board. You misconstrued the notion of "pushing." That was your contention, not mine.
Fair enough, can I use over-saturation to the point of counterproductive as a more appropriate term? Because that is what I believe is happening.
A lot of people must miss "The good old days of slavery". I didn't want to comment when this photo showed up over in the pub today but I brought it over here because it could apply to so many biased threads over here. Just search the word Confederate. Anyway notice the Gator version of the Stars and Bars from back in the 50s when it wasn't frowned upon. OMG look at the family flying it they must miss the good old days of slavery. My intention in posting this is to show that before the coming of political correctness people were just people not butt hurt by every little thing.
That would be the 1950s UF, in which black people weren't allowed to attend due to being considered inferior due to their race? And you are using that picture to show how people didn't want slavery?
UF certainly does have an embarrassing history of blatant racism, as one of the last schools to integrate sports in the entire nation, so add one more pic to that story ... And you have no idea what black people thought of seeing UF's verision of the confederate flag in the 1950s, and to be honest, the adults standing there with arms folded doesn't exactly look like they are cheering it on, or anything. What do you expect them to do, tackle the flag carrier? In Florida in the 1950s they probably would have gone to prison for 20 to life for that ...
try again...the flag is being carried by the female in white boots and blue dress, not flown by the black family
Heh? Socio-political messaging from the 1950s validates ideology in the 2020's? Would you care to rationalize?
I disagree with their why, but this is pretty brilliant Rainbow lights shine on Jacksonville bridge after Florida stops Pride displays As night fell Friday on downtown Jacksonville, 70 people lined the pedestrian walkway of the Main Street bridge and simultaneously turned on high-powered flashlights that lit the bridge in a ribbon of rainbow colors arching above the St. Johns River. The display on the eve of Pride Month came after the state Department of Transportation decided the nearby Acosta Bridge would be lit in red, white and blue for state government's "Freedom Summer," meaning the Acosta's lighting system won't have rainbow lights for Pride Month as it did the previous three years. So a group from the LGBTQ community and their supporters took the lighting into their own hands by illuminating the Main Street bridge with rainbow lights.
As a heterosexual and a photography enthusiast who holds the science of color and light near and dear to my heart, I find the rainbow thing kinda...exclusive.
what do you like to photograph? love me some landscapes and wildlife. got a drone for the trip to Iceland last summer. amazing what you can get out of a phone camera these days some of my albums here of our family travels over the years. tough part about just shooting while travelling is I don't get to wait on the light, just have to take what I can get. thinking about trying photography for supplemental income when I retire. got all canon gear now but other than the l-glass, it is mostly outdated as I have come to use the phone more than anything bluewaterfever’s albums | Flickr
This is what happens when you start something that on the surface sounds great but ends up making a mess of things. Like you said, the month of June already sees 5 other awareness efforts, so we need to stop with the month-long awareness. Make it a week because I do see scores of awareness efforts getting talked about and to think that July one day will be home to 10 awareness month efforts is going to drown out these awareness efforts.
I can agree with that. One week is plenty. But desi would have done the same thing even if it was just a weekend. It's what petty tyrants do.
Perhaps all government and private entities should just check in with you as to what is an appropriate length for any commemorative public display.