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When Will Trump Supporters Stop Being Wrong?

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by PD, May 31, 2024.

  1. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    You folks who are STILL clinging to Trump, consider this:

    NONE of this is alleged anymore. All of this has been proven in a court of law.

    And for the future discourse of this board and of the entire country, it must be pointed out that everything liberals/progressives have said about Trump has been proven true. Not just by an avalanche of empirically demonstrated news reporting (which it has been), but by courts of law. We were not just right about him - we were proven right about him by courts of law all across the country. And it’s not just one thing: WE were proven RIGHT about EVERYTHING.

    And if you’re a Trump supporter, or ever were one, YOU were proven WRONG about EVERYTHING.

    Donald Trump IS a rapist. Proven in a court of law that he sexually assaulted E Jean Carroll, and then another judge affirmed that it was rape. It’s in the court record.

    Donald Trump IS a business fraud. Stole money from countless people through the government. Proven in a court of law. Legally barred from running a business.

    Donald Trump IS a charity fraud. Stole money from children with cancer. Proven in a court of law. Legally barred from running a charity.

    Donald Trump IS a university fraud. Stole money from veterans (among many others). Proven in a court of law. Legally barred from running a university.

    Donald Trump IS an Election fraud - he stole an election by committing 34 felonies to cheat the American people out of information needed to make an informed decision on Election Day. Proven in a court of law. Legally barred from voting, and if not for the cowardice of the Republican Senate, would be barred from running for office.

    Donald Trump IS a liar every time he says the 2020 election was stolen from him. Tried to steal a second election. Proven in multiple courts across the country in over 70 lawsuits filed by Trump - ZERO found that there was any fraud or even any wrong doing in the 2020 election.

    I could go on, but that’s the main list…for now. Because he’s going to b proven guilty of election fraud & interference in a different election, he’s going to be proven guilt of stealing, lying about and selling classified documents, and he’s going to be found guilty of plotting, orchestrating and implementing a coup to topple the US government.

    And it’s not just Trump. We have been proven right about everything with regards to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, as well. Neither of them has ever been charged in any court of law or by any government body or panel, of a single solitary act of wrongdoing, ever, in their entire lives. Forget about convicted; forget about indicted; never even accused. Republicans go on right wing propaganda networks and hurl accusations everywhere, because there is no standard of proof there, and there is no swearing an oath to tell the truth. Nowhere in the entire world where there is a standard proof or swearing of an oath, have Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden ever even been even accused of one single act of wrongdoing.

    And I don’t just say all this to rub it in the faces of the Trump supporters who have been repeating the right wing propaganda for all these years. Though you richly deserve it. I say all this in the hopes that some of you will finally wake up to the fact that you have been embracing and following manipulative political and business operatives, who have made great profit from you believing their lies.

    Because we weren’t just always right about Trump, Hillary, and Joe. We were also right about the right wing propaganda companies. Fox News had to admit in court that their business model is lying to the audience, and presenting the lies as if they are news in any manner that they can use to manipulate the narrative in support of the republican party. This was, like everything against Trump, proven in a court of law. They had to pay about 3/4 of $1 billion in fines for doing this.

    So I want you all to take stock, and check the scoreboard. You were wrong about everything, because you listened to their lies. We were right about everything, because we followed the facts, not just reported by legitimate news companies, but the evidence shown by them.

    See, that’s the dead giveaway. Fox News and the other right wing propaganda companies just tell you what is happening and they tell to think. They never show you anything - because there is nothing to show. Just like Trump told you about the supposed election fraud in 2020, and then never claimed election fraud in a single one of over 70 lawsuits, and certainly didn’t produce a single piece of evidence - because he had nothin to show.

    All the Trump supporters are claiming this conviction was a sham. If it were only one isolated incident, as preposterous as it would be, as contradictory as it is to every shred of evidence that exists, at least in theory we would have to consider it possible, pending a close look. Only in theory, but let’s grant that theory for a moment. But it’s not isolated incident. Trump has been found guilty of every single, solitary charge against him in court, with no exceptions. In fact, the only place on earth since 2016 that Trump has not been found guilty of what he has been charged with, is when the judge and jury was made up nearly 50% of his Republican party sycophants, who had already destroyed their entire political careers and legacies to support his sinking ship. But every single time he has been judged by a jury of impartial citizens, or lifetime revered, impartial judges, he has been found unanimously and overwhelmingly guilty.

    So here is my question:

    At what point do Trump supporters ever realize that you were wrong? At what point do the coincidences become just too many? At what point do you consider being wrong 100% of the time about everything, to be enough to convince you to stop being wrong?
    Last edited: May 31, 2024
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  2. AndyGator

    AndyGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 10, 2007
    They won't.
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  3. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    I HATE Trump PD, but frankly you only showing up on this side of the board to take victory laps and spike the ball in peoples faces isn't cool.

    But....here you are again.
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  4. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    You know something is a big deal when irregular posters show up and write lengthy screeds that cover stuff thats already been posted 1,000 times over the last year
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  5. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    What November will boil down to Americans have enough faith in their justice system to believe that Trump is a criminal, or if he is, are his crimes worse than those seeking to eliminate Trump from the race.
  6. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Well, firstly, I wouldn’t be able to spike the football if I wasn’t 100% correct. Which I am.

    Secondly, and mostly, I don’t come to this board every day to argue the exact same points over and over again, because right wingers don’t engage in good faith debate.

    For the decades that this board has existed, and before, then on the email list, serve, only two things have ever occurred:

    1) Liberals and progressives post facts and fact-based opinions, and Republicans respond with, “Nuh-UH!” And then post the same five Fox News talking points in response. Without ever even considering anything being discussed.

    2) Conservatives post Fox News talking points or QAnon conspiracy theories, and everyone else looks around at each other and asks if there is anyone else there we can talk to.

    I value my time and my life far too much to do this on a regular basis.

    Posting this thread is called choosing my spots. You seem to be saying that this board is like The Hunger Games, where you’re only allowed to post or make a point if you are here every day taking your punishment, paying your dues by reading the mindless of regurgitated Fox News talking points.

    That’s not my bag, baby.
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  7. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Your unhelpful Snark aside, this is one day after brand new information has hit the wire. So, I’m not regurgitating anything. I am presenting everything as a cumulative emphasis to underscore the fact that this most recent court finding is not an aberration, not an anomaly, but exactly the same as everything else.

    It is also a very novel new development, because all of the previous court rulings against Trump have been in civil cases. This is the first criminal case. He is for the first time now a convicted felon.

    Contrary to what you just posted, which is inaccurate and untruthful, nobody has ever posted before yesterday, that Trump is a convicted felon. So no, nobody has posted that he’s a convicted felon 1,000 times over the past year. Would you care to retract that untruthful statement that you knowingly made, knowing very well that you were not telling the truth?

    @tilly If you want to know why I’m not here every day posting on these topics, @wgbgator Just gave you all the evidence you should need. The vast majority of conservatives on this board are like him and his post above: intentionally untruthful, they say everything in bad faith, and like he did, they only personally attack the individual, and ignore the content of his or her posts.
  8. enviroGator

    enviroGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 12, 2007
    Well I may be the only one, but I appreciate his return. He does a great job of writing and putting out his argument.

    Mods can always merge if they don't think it belongs in its own thread, but as long as some Pubs are allowed to drool on their keyboards as they write up their factually flawed derp, I think a poster who comes on and writes up clear and factually accurate posts should be thanked and not ridiculed, especially by a mod.
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  9. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    The problem is more that he doesn't stop arguing and gets booted or burns out after a week or so. If anyone thinks TL/DR post with bullet point FACTS and color highlights is going to convince the Trumpy people here who see this shit every day on TH, I have some bad news. No one that already dislikes Trump is going to argue with him so who is this for? I've been convinced Trump was a loathsome criminal for several decades. This effort is better spent on his football posts, which are more interesting.
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  10. enviroGator

    enviroGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 12, 2007
    Oh I don't think the Trumpets can be reached. They are clearly too far gone. Doesn't change the fact I like to read well thought out and written posts.

    Especially the ones I agree with. ;)
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  11. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Not sure I follow. Are you implying that crimes have been committed to try to remove Trump from the 2024 race?

    If so, what are they, and what proof do you have?

    It’s difficult to take right wing accusations seriously when they are always absent any shred of proof. Zero charges ever filed against “Crooked Hillary” or “Crooked Joe,” but a million accusations by right wing operatives. Our legal system is open and available. If anyone has any proof about Biden or Hillary or Fauci or Garland or anyone else the right always accuses of crimes…if they have any shred of proof, the courts are open all day.

    And so are the news networks. But they never SHOW any proof to the media, either. They TELL them everything, but they SHOW them nothing.

    That game of no-show and tell is for children; it doesn’t work in the adult world. Unless someone is in a cult and refuses to use their powers of observation and reason.
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  12. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    I know you've been gone for awhile, but we kind of just ignore him here. Its for the best. But if you really want to get into it, just ask him about viruses.
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  13. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    So what you are saying is that this board serves no purpose, and anyone who posts on it is wasting their time.

    Then why are you here? One of these is not a truthful position for you to take.

    Either this board does serve a purpose, or it doesn’t. Your presence here suggest you believe it serves a purpose. Your cherry picking my content to indicate that there is no purpose to this board and no purpose to what I am doing on it, indicates that you simply don’t like what I have to say, and you are very afraid, that it might actually persuade a right winger to reconsider their habit of listening to right wing lies. You seem to be very fearful that my content may persuade a right winger to be objective, and we all know that anyone who is objective cannot be a republican in 2024.
  14. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Look buddy, I'm in the trenches every day grinding, you pop in here for a couple hours thinking you're General Patton trying to take Berlin, that's all I'm saying
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  15. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    His attempt to paint every non-progressive as a far right Trump supporter is just a gaslight. We’ve seen him do this before. When he is fearful of someone on this board, he just attacks them on a personal level with all he has. He knows that people who post here, and especially people who lurk here, cover the entire political spectrum. This is nothing but disingenuous manipulation.
    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  16. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Oh, I get what you’re saying. You’re saying that your approach is the only approach that is valid. It’s the entire Republican mindset that you are presenting. That your way is the only way, and not only is everyone else wrong, but you have the right to tell them to get lost.

    Fortunately, there are many valid ways to engage in a forum to express one’s opinion, and I am choosing the one that suits me best. And I don’t think I’m going to far afield to that it’s what the majority of people on this forum want as well. Surely the majority of right wingers. And all the mods, rest assured. :D Because when I used to post regularly, it made people like you go apoplectic and report me to the mods every 12 seconds.

    So you would probably be best served to just count your blessings that I am rarely here. But, you’re free to express anything you wish, because unlike you, I acknowledge that there is more than one way to engage in a forum. And I value that diversity and encourage everyone to find their own personal velocity. Even those with him, I don’t agree, and those whom I do not particularly like on a personal level.

    That’s basically the difference between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, in this country. You want authoritarianism, as long as it’s exactly the way you want it; we want everyone to have the freedom to do things their own way, even when we don’t like it, as long as it does not harm or infringe upon the rights of others
  17. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
    At this point it's too late. They are all in. The sunk cost fallacy is in full effect.
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  18. enviroGator

    enviroGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 12, 2007
    I see him as more of an equal opportunity gaslighter. He slams everyone sooner or later. lol

    Edit: I would also guess he is libertarian, or maybe just anarchistic based on his posts.
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  19. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007

    The very fact that you referr to this forum as “the trenches”, is why I’m not here regularly.

    Political discourse should be a free and open debate, and exchange of ideas, supported by facts and demonstrated evidence. It should never just be a vitriolic war of words.

    But you are correct, that is exactly what it is here. And we all know why that is. It is nothing I want any part of. I used to think you could win hearts and minds in this kind of cacophony with so many bad faith actors, but I gave up that ghost years ago.

    So you can call it a drive-by or whatever else you want to, but it is how I wish to engage right now. Posting facts, engaging conversation if anybody wants to have an actual legitimate conversation. But pretending I’m some soldier in a war on a forum of complete strangers, between 2 sides that don’t even share a common set of facts? No thank you.
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  20. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
    The clear break-away point was January 6th. He lost the election and instigated a riot at the capitol. When they didn't ditch him then, I knew they never would.
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