Yep, that is why we shouldn't elect people like Trump. It results in a situation where you either convict him for his crimes or ignore all of his crimes.
It was vital to this country that it was proved that no man is above the law. All can be held accountable.
LOL! This judge not only did everything by the letter, he went sooo far above and beyond protocol to protect Trump and his team. He refused to punish him for constantly violating the gag orders. He refused to reprimand his grade school attorneys in front of the jury - he removed the jury to do so - so as not to let it influence their judgement. Oh and, maybe you don’t watch Law & Order, but you have to actually have grounds to appeal. On evidence they have nothing. You can’t appeal findings of fact. You can only appeal procedure and interpretation of the law. To appeal procedure, you have to object to it during the trial. They didn’t. And there is nothing to appeal over interpretation. They’ll appeal, sure, but it will be as frivolous as all the motions in all the other Trump cases: frivolous and laughable. They might even get their attorneys punched if they’re too off the rails. I know this is just hubris on your part. You have to say “The appeal will be brutal on you” because you have to give yourself something to cling to, to keep staving off accepting that this is real. Bit it’s a fool’s errand. I don’t mind, though. Every time you take a hit and then postpone acceptance like this, adds another day of suffering you will experience - when the appeals all fall as flat as Trump’s cross examinations. And I rejoice in every additional day of suffering you and other Trump supporters go though. Because you deserve it.
He will have to beg DeSantis to let him vote. DeSantis - the guy he’s personally insulted more than any Republican on earth.
Every other prosecutor didn’t. Firstly, the case was ready to go and one guy stopped it - and a bunch of career prosecutors resigned over it. Some did pass, just like one prosecutor passed in Georgia. He said with no equivocation that the only reason he declined was because he feared Trump would have his minions threaten his life and the lives of his family, like he did the poll workers in Fulton County who testified.
They can’t. It’s the Republican sickness: they can never admit they were wrong about anything. They have to just keep doubling down on being wrong. Just like Trump has to keep doubling down on each successive bigger lie. Because they think to admit being wrong even once means they were always wrong. And when you’ve tied your entire identity to a political party, and then to just one person atop that party, and you admit and acknowledge you’ve been wrong about everything….then your whole life (and that of your parents and grandparents who indoctrinated you into the Republican cult) is worthless. At least that’s their thinking. I would genuinely be sad for them if they weren’t so sadistic and hadn’t cause so much pain to so many innocent people in their lives by voting for terrible people who do terrible things.
It’s truly sad that conservatives fall for this. But then, they fell for Trump. And Bush 2. And Palin. And Quayle. And Bush 1. And Reagan. And Nixon. And….
Uhhh….we heard the same things about “just try to indict him” and you know who showed up to stop his indictments? Nobody. True, most of his brownshirts were in prison, but most who have been released have gone back I to their sewers and have not come back out. Many realize now they were lied to. His rally crowds are tiny now. America saw this fake tough guy fall asleep and fart all over the court room every day for the whole trial. Most now know what the rest of us always knew: the emperor has no clothes.
Then most assuredly we have unless he just started. I posted on the insider board for years but gave up my subscription some time ago. Who knows what his name was (unless he divulged it there) or which iteration we all interacted with since he doesn't want people to talk directly to him. I guess we just get the alter ego here on the free boards