I don't suppose there is any way the Republicans could pull out the rug from this idiot and get an adult to run against Biden.
@magnetofsnatch posts on the Insider Board. He is right behind @snatchmagnet there, but is ever chasing his better! Maybe that’s why your paths haven’t crossed
LOL, please, please, please share with us what reversible errors were committed during the trial. No, calling it a witchhunt doesn't count. If you can't ID specific reversible error, you're just having one of your little cyber temper tantrums.
It's interesting to me how many non-lawyers think that reversing a jury verdict in a criminal case is easy. I wish it was. There are innocent folks sitting in prison today because of how difficult it is to do.
It is odd that those folks aren't sharing case law to back their complete confidence in knowing the outcome of an appeal.
This is disappointing. I remember when the first indictment hit, and you read it and finally admitted that this was bad. I see you’ve dispensed with all objectivity again and just dug back in with the cult propaganda. This is the legal system, and it worked exactly the way it’s supposed to work. There were no Biden fans in the jury box at the indictment or the trial. They were impartial. They convicted him because he is guilty as hell. If you think someone should be above the law just because you were duped into worshipping a lifetime criminal….If you can’t accept a perfectly normal and perfectly legitimate trial and conviction JUST BECAUSE YOU WORSHIP THE CONVICTED FELON, then you are not worthy of citizenship in this country. You should go to Russia, where the “legal system” does whatever your dictator god tells it to do.
That’s the problem with MAGA members: they don’t have any convictions (well, other than felony convictions). All they care about is their team being in control. Because it’s what gives their lives their only meaning, I guess. That’s all I can figure. But what is clear is that they have no moral basis or ethical basis for their perpetually malleable positions. It’s just whatever their overlords tell them to think.
I refer to the word "appeal" as the lawyer's big lie. "Don't worry about that conviction and sentence, we're going to APPEAL!" Sounds great until you learn how few end up in reversals and how difficult it is to show the requisite level of error in order to win. The purpose of that phrase is to keep the defendant's family and, with some luck, the defendant from freaking out until you get out of the building.