Not related to the case specifically but to the country more in general. I genuinely don't see any hope of there being unity in this country ever again. How the various factions even attempt to co-exist is an exercise in futility. It isn't policy disagreement anymore. It's now personal and it's pure, unbridled, tribalistic hate. Where does this lead? I honestly don't know. But regardless of who wins the 2024 Election, the country will remain critically divided on almost everything. Many have said for generations that America is the best place to live. Would you still argue that point now?
That isn't the reality the rest of us are living. Get outside of your news silo, they are lying to you about conditions in our country.
If you consider a communist globalist U.S. a great country. A U.S. with no self determination anymore and a U.S. that bows to the world order, including NATO, UN and WHO, is not a country I consider a great country.
I have a question for any lawyers here who are not popping champagne, doing cartwheels, or preparing for their like minded friends to come over. What does this decision do to companies and individuals who enter into or are currently under NDAs?
I’ve yet to meet a Democrat with a religious allegiance to the Democratic Party. Can’t same the same for Republicans. Trump was elected in an election Hillary conceded, welcomed into the White House by Obama who attended his inauguration, and given every chance in the world to be a leader. He failed and his religious followers like the OP are inconsolable.
You should meet my sister in law. Or maybe not. She is a fantastic cook. I can’t listen to it even for a top notch meal.
I’m sure that you are doing all three of the things I listed plus a dozen more. You answer is invalid
Ok dude, if anything more ex-presidents belong in jail or at the Hague. If this gets the ball rolling, thats change I can believe in.