And this is only the beginning! All counts, total conviction, no hesitation, EVEN after Trump’s attorney illegally told the jury during closing that he could go to jail if found guilty. And of the 4 indictments, this was the toughest case to make, by far, because it depended largely on testimony. The other 3 cases are complete slam dunks because they mostly document cases, based on irrefutable, tangible, hard evidence. And Fani and Jack have ALL the evidence. People’s lives are ruined with just 1 felony conviction. This is 34 in one day. And there are 57 more, and he will be convicted of ALL of them.
I'm sure dear leader will call for a YUGE crowd to turn out in NYC the day of the sentencing. We shall see how many of his followers will bother to show up. Hopefully the authorities will have security in place.
I have said many times on this site that Trump is an idiot. Can anyone on the left admit this was a purely political case? I mean in the same jurisdiction violent crimes go without prosecution he gets prosecuted for business records from over a decade ago? At least call it what it is.
Guys, this is important. Yes, we've got a poster who's trying be way over the top and draw responses. Please don't respond with insults or name-calling. thanks
I said it before but if our country falls apart because of Donald effin Trump we didn't deserve to continue having a country.
Election interference. And per NY state law, all the jury needed to to believe Trump falsified records to cover up a 2nd crime. No need for 2nd crime charges or conviction, nor worry about jurisdiction. The jury did exactly that.
Don't say that subjective part about your political idol? Because the first part (being a felon) is true.
Wrong, New York State has no jurisdiction over Federal laws. Now if you mean New York State elections where Hilary Clinton won decisively in 2016? Some crime.
No one believes he will go to jail. But keep drinking the koolaid. cops corrupt FBI corrupt Judges Corrupt Dems Corrupt Aliens streaming down to probe the women folks Tax cuts for billionaires . Options not jobs Only he can save us. Right?
Violent crimes "go without prosecution" in every jurisdiction. Trump committed a crime. He was stupid enough to get caught. Sucks for him.
We're sorry you support selective justice. If this was a Democrat there wouldn't have been a single charge filed.
He committed a crime. He got caught. He got convicted by a jury. Whether his name was Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or my next door neighbor I really don't give a shit.
Sounds pretty not fair. Just like your leader, your God, Donald Trump.......... ......YOU'RE A VICTIM!!!!!!