Typical cultist member apology for his insanity. Keep telling yourself voting for a deranged individual is perfectly acceptable. It's deplorable.
Don't confuse being the only person posting factually in this thread as being an apology. I put the whole thing out there which you are unwilling to do. All you care about is hate speech against Trump. Claiming Melania Trump is a prostitute as you have done is deplorable. It is hate speech. Keep telling yourself voting for Dictator Biden who is a threat to the republic is perfectly acceptable. It's deplorable.
Your facts were deplorable. Trump took one picture at a grave and they recycle it and you claim it makes him noble. Silly. I have news for you: Any attractive woman living in NYC or LA who calls herself a model or an actress that has no portfolio or filmography of any length to show for it but dates a lot of famous men and then marries a rich one was also a paid escort. Rents and bills ain't cheap in those locations. The "Dictator Biden" stuff is ludicrous as it is the typical Trumpian tactic of accusing the other side of what you have done or plan to do. Project 2025 and the current corrupt SCOTUS are Trump's pathway to his own dictatorship.
“Like Trump, many other young men from wealthy families found ways to avoid the draft.” Donald Trump avoided the military draft 5 times, but it wasn't uncommon for young men from influential families to do so during the Vietnam War
“Luis Avila, to sing “God Bless America.” Avila, who had completed five combat tours, had lost a leg in an IED attack in Afghanistan, and had suffered two heart attacks, two strokes, and brain damage as a result of his injuries. To Milley, and to four-star generals across the Army, Avila and his wife, Claudia, represented the heroism, sacrifice, and dignity of wounded soldiers. Soon after, Trump said to Milley, within earshot of several witnesses, “Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded.” The then-president reportedly told the general that he didn’t want Avila to appear in public again.” Gen. Mark Milley's disturbing reminder about Trump's disdain for wounded vets
It's not just a picture of Trump being presidential which you hate, but it contains Trump's Memorial Day message that you ignored while choosing to attack him for conducting politics on the Memorial Day holiday. Can I say holiday? Dang, that sounds too cheerful for the solemn occasion that you chose to belittle by starting this thread for yours and your leftist buds TDS relief. You may as well have just used the Trump's Troubles thread where there are already 200 pages of TDS BS. Only fools think Trump is a threat to the republic that Biden actually is, basically everyone who votes for Dictator Biden. There you go again. You may as well just say prostitute. You know it is what you meant as you have already stated it in another thread. I said once you are a bomb thrower, but I was mistaken. You are a person of despicable ideas who revels in hate speech.
Are you saying that Trump's message that starts out with "Happy Memorial Day to All" is not a Memorial Day message?
It's not his message for Memorial Day which I documented accurately as being ignored by the lamestream media and those posting in this thread. It's a wish for a happy Memorial Day followed by his political messaging. There is a difference in both were done and one was ignored for political purposes. The despicable posts in this thread are all political ignoring the true message of the day. The holiday could have been any other holiday and the same bitchin would still be happening. Happy Independence Day followed by political messaging would be just as condemned as it suits those who have TDS to obtain a badly needed release. Memorial Day is just the excuse. Move that post to today and remove the Happy Memorial Day and the response would be the same.
Holidays are not great days to send out "tweets" that are all about yourself and your own personal bitching. It shows a serious lack of self awareness and makes the holiday not what it is supposed to be about, but about the person bitching on the Internet. Agreed, it doesn't matter the holiday. People should make the holiday about the holiday, and not about themselves. Especially when the holiday is supposed to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives so we could go online and say what we want freely. Really, what kind of person makes Memorial Day all about themselves? A narcissist, that's who.
Really, what kind of people start and post in a thread they know doesn't represent the whole truth? TDS sufferers, that's who.
I'd call anyone who makes a day like Memorial Day all about themselves, and not about what it's supposed to memorialize, fallen soldiers, a narcissist. Wouldn't you? Or, do you just make excuses about your orange deity?
Willing to overlook for Orange Man Bad thanks to Dictator Biden's historic lawfare against President Trump. He has a right to fight back when he can as Dictator Biden has been committing election interference. Politically, yesterday just happened to be another day after Trump posted his Memorial Day message. I read that Dictator Biden is planning an announcement in the rose garden after the handpicked jury convicts Trump tomorrow. It just proves he has been behind all of the lawfare against Trump. That you are okay with lawfare against the political opposition means you support the US as a banana republic run by a dictator. This shit happens in Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela. Now it's happening in the US. The same can be said about leftist antisemitic actions across the US.
I never said he wasn't. It's leftist making a bid deal over nothing. The big deal is Dictator Biden's lawfare against his political opponent.
Yep, you can tell Biden was sleeping in that clip because he moves throughout it, puts his face in has hand at one point, and then clearly contorts his face in grief for a spell. Definitely all signs of sleeping; just no chance at all he was actually remembering and mourning a dead son that was a veteran. I'm curious, do you actually take yourself seriously?
With election interference from Dictator Biden, President Trump fights back whenever he can, conducts rallies whenever and wherever he can. He may well have done it anyway, Mr. Mean Tweets is the norm, but election interference provides motivation as President Trump is sitting in a New York courtroom all day today with tape over his mouth put there by a fascist left-wing judge.
Sorry. Lack of self awareness and narcissism are still in full display when Trump whines like a little baby all about his problems on Memorial Day. Whether or not you think the whines are legitimate grievances shouldn't excuse his behavior of making Memorial Day all about himself.
This is one you should feel pretty bad about watching in context. You’ll see your video starts at 18:13 on the full speech I linked just as the speaker reads the words of Lincoln and an active Biden (who spent minutes 15:30 to 18:13 wiping tears and scratching his face, closing and opening a book) looks down with his eyes closed as the speaker finishes with “God bless our fallen soldiers, God bless their families, and God bless the United States of America” and then the speaker finishes and Biden opens his eyes at 18:53 and claps. There is a reason the volume was silly music vs the actual speech. You would have known instantly it was a lie.