Don't be silly, there is a world of difference between the George Floyd case and this one. For one thing I don't think Scheffler has a criminal record, I don't think he was high on fentanyl, and oh yes if you insist on the silliness Scheffler was white. Was that the response you were trying to dig up?
Man, I just can’t hate on George Floyd in any way. Guy was murdered. His record was his record. What happened to him was so tragic. I hope he rests in peace with angels surrounding him at all times.
Interesting you would bring up George Floyd. Today happens to be 4 years drug free for good old George...
Has nothing to do with blacks. Citygator introduced George Floyd to this thread, I just commented. Seems one side is free to mention anything around here but as soon as the other side responds it becomes hate speech.
City did mention Floyd, but it was you who took advantage of that fact to make a cruel, snide and unnecessary 'response' to his death. What was the point? I don't get your brand of 'humor'
Pretty disappointing anyone would ever think it was ok to post that. In the not too distant future when we have a “Remember Gator515151” thread. I’ll repost this about you.
The best solution to this Scheffler controversy is to ban the game of golf. It's a boring game played by people with nothing better to do, and watched by people with nothing better to do. Plus it takes up a lot of valuable land that could be put to better use than 18 little holes in the ground.
Yep, I had a dem poster call Melania Trump a prostitute who only wants to cash checks and wants nothing to do with Trump outside of Mar-A-Lago. I responded back with a few choice words about our sitting VP on how she got her start in California and who gave her that start, held nothing back after Melania Trump was slammed with untrue hate speech. A mod edited and removed my comments on the sitting VP citing unsubstituted rumors yet allowed the hate speech against Melania Trump to remain. Not wanting to talk about our sitting VP, I just let it go not wanting to argue against the hypocrisy. Yes, Gator515151, leftist hate speech is tolerated here and hate speech on the right is frowned upon and can result in edits. However, I have to agree with others, that was pretty tough on a dead man to post that about him being drug free for 4 years, inappropriate humor.
Dang, I couldn't stand Pelosi dating back to 2006 when Pelosi accused Bush of creating a national crisis because he didn't want a budget as large as the democrats. Bush ended up going along and later got skewered by the left for spending during his presidency. As much as I don't like her, I never thought about beating up the now old bird, but Pelosi deserves all of the political beatings that can be administered to her.
Meh. Like the referee sees the counter punch in a game but not the initial one it happens occasionally here too. Happened to me a week ago but I just took my medicine like a big boy. You missed out on making fun of Pelosi’s husband’s attack. Was claimed to be a gay lover underwear spat with plenty of attempted humor. Pretty grim. All unmoderated by mods so they give people plenty of room usually.
No it is not wrong. I don't buy the George Floyd was a victim garbage. He was a carrier criminal who had just committed a crime and was high on fentanyl. I remember the story about him putting a gun into a pregnant woman's stomach while committing a burglary in Houston. As one who has had a gun stuck in his face before I can tell you PTSD is real. Officer Chauvin was the real victim of that case. I watched the video. I really don't think the knee to the back of the neck caused the "I can't breath crap". Even if it did 2nd degree murder was the wrong charge. I hope you do post this about me.... I would be proud hearing it from you.