Jordan is such a tool. It is hard to take him seriously, he is obviously struggling to understand the testimony. Two words: Hunter Biden.
The “no body cameras” is always fishy in these cases, it should be defacto criminal for agents on raids to disable or to not have body cameras engaged. But unless some new revelation came out, the guy DID shoot at police, and he was wanted in the first place for gun trafficking. Sounds like definite too much police force for a fairly small time criminal, they could have nabbed the guy at work or pulled him over, and simultaneously executed the warrant on his home. “No knock warrants” should be reserved for suspected murderers and violent criminals.
Well from the first line of the video they disabled the doorbell camera, cut electricity to the house and didn't wear body cameras. It just went on and on from there. The ATF director was determined he was not going to answer any questions. I'm sorry the regular crowd gets all upset when a multi time felon on the street with a weapon is treated this way but they are ok with kicking in the door of someone without a record while disabling security cameras?
So this is a Hunter Biden thread? I wonder if we'll see a mass of Democratic politicians, including their leadership, shutting down the Congress so they can protest his legal accountability. Nah, that's just what the Trumpy crime organization does.
Body cams should have been on. Pretty clear why they covered the Ring and cut power, though. That way Alexa can'y announce "honey the police are here" and let him set up to shoot when they came through the door. Jordan is just a doosh blow hard who hasn't ever authored a piece of meaningful legislation in his decades in Congress-he's like Maury Povich running a daily reality show in a gerrymandered district and should wait for the investigation to conclude before parading these guys in front of congress to play gotcha with the Biden administration.
I would also also add that Jim Jordan is a poster boy of representation through gerrymandering. His district was intentionally drawn to include Republican-leaning rural and suburban areas while excluding more Democrat-leaning urban areas (maps below). Jim Jordan’s Gerrymandered District - Belt Magazine
Lol @ Gym Jordan giving anyone hell. Guy is arguably the biggest joke in congress, which is saying something considering the troglodytes they have on their side. No surprise you like him, though, considering your adoration to the orange tanned cult leader.
I have no problem with pretty much any government killbot outfit getting eviscerated. I am more concerned with the street version since they can randomly end my life any day due to proximity and exploding population. The chances of the ATF summarily executing me are negligible in comparison.
It was the only way they could get a groomer like him into congress. Still don't know why they wanted a groomer like him in congress, but here we are.
Correction it went exactly how the OP expected. A bunch of comments from posters who would rather play politics than to admit the ATF had an agenda and the head of the ATF is ducking questions about it.