The GOP won't be happy until every minority whose existence they find offensive are at best completely invisible in the public square or at worst eliminated from the earth.
Sorry. Edited above. I was referring to when you said: "Not all U.S. citizens have the same concept of "team" that you do."
Division in that a large amount of people still have a fundamental moral issue with it. Especially to some of the extremes we see gender conversations evolving. Pushing this down peoples throats visually everywhere you go, while not some huge impact on my life is certainly not something that brings unity either. It is a biit counterproductive in all honesty. I think that became noticed last year when fewer social media accounts changed their profile pic. Many finally doing so after pressure from a noisy minority. Jumped the shark comes to mind
The NHL has caught heat for not making players use pride tape and even banning it after so many players did not want to use it. Once it becomes forced it becomes devisive.
I agree 100%. My "side" doesnt want anything to do with it. But to be clear. No one is banning flags. Nor should they. Fly whatever flag you want. Its incredibly hyperbolic to say flags are being banned. Light colors on a couple bridges owned by a public entity used by ALL is being kept colors that represent ALL.
"Sorta tired" doesnt mean It "impacts" your "life". I'm tired of the squirrels raiding my pecan trees. But it has no real "impact on my life".
I don’t know that I’d bring morality into the discussion because I’m not sure alternative lifestyles are immoral. They simply have had zero effect on my life, but maybe they have in ways that I haven’t noticed. Yet, aren’t we all guilty of acting on occasion contrary to our society’s (they are different elsewhere) prevailing moral standards? There are very few people of whom I can say his or her character radiates immorality. (Trump is one, or at least amoral.)
I must admit to being suspicious of the motives of people who conspicuously - and aggressively! - are what I deem overboard in displaying the flag….or their religious beliefs. Patriotism (and religion) are best practiced.
So do I, but they’ve figured out how to get to the feed without pushing down the perches. Like ravens, they are very resourceful. Yesterday I fired the very loud pellet gun in the air. I haven’t seen them since!
Love this post! “Let’s go Brandon” is particularly offensive, and I see it here in rural NC. Irony escapes the rabid.
So tell the truth, when is the last time you actually saw a Confederate flag, a Gadsden Flag or a Lets go Brandon flag flying? Bet it has been a while.
Imagine how the LGBTQ folks feel . And what is it with y'all and the notion of "pushing things down peoples' throats?"
Everyday and frequently. Along with Impeach Biden (painted on the side of a house), F*** Biden painted on a pickup truck in 2-foot tall letters, FJB (nice old lady that lives at the bottom of my hill has that in her front yard for me to see every day.), and "If you voted for Biden you are not welcome" on the door of the gun shop that also sponsors a large, lighted Rambo-trump billboard on the busiest highway here, large confederate flags flapping outside rundown houses, etc, etc, etc. Admittedly, there are fewer this go-around than in 2020 but still
Probably everyday ... I live in a red county. There is huge confederate flag at the intersection of I-4 and I-75 in Tampa for about 400K drivers to enjoy everyday, and be reminded that some people miss the good old days of slavery.