There would have to be a duty to activate the cameras for the evidentiary rule to apply. I fear that once it does, they will eliminate the duty, at least as an unqualified duty. They'll put in some ways of words where they can always escape the obligation
At least in Hillsborough County, sergeants and above along with detectives aren't equipped with BWCs. The officer in this case was reportedly a detective.
I'd rather chase an ambulance (up to the speed limit) than be in one. (If I'm in one, to hell with the speed limit.)
Good news is that if I shove you into another ambulance chaser, I can't throw you to the ground and then arrest you for a felony.
Arraignment has been postponed for two weeks. Scheffler will plead not guilty if this goes that far. There are witnesses who say Scheffler did nothing wrong one of which is an ESPN announcer. Supposedly, there was confusion as two officers were trying to direct Scheffler with conflicting instructions. Just a gut feeling, this will blow over and go away during the 2 weeks postponement.
Dang, obviously not a golfer or golf fan. When Scottie's putter is working, he is the best golfer in the world by 3 to 5 shots over a tournament. He has won 4 events this year and he won the 22 and 24 Masters, no small accomplishment. Scottie and his wife just had a baby. After winning the Masters, he was so proud and happy to be going home to be with his wife. He is as good of a guy as there is on the tour. I have no doubt this happened out of the confusion of the moment. Scottie Scheffler doesn't have a bad bone in his body.
If the ESPN announcer you are referring to is Jeff Darington, you did not grasp the significance of his statement.
Don't recall his name but I understood his quotes quite well along with the reporting that multiple other witnesses said Scottie Scheffler did nothing wrong. You are entitled to think this is more than it is, but I think the next 2 weeks will prove you wrong.
He’s a lawyer. I think his point was that Darlington’s statement confirms that Scottie didn’t stop when asked by police and dragged the cop. Which verifies the worst part of the story. That said, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the folks in Kentucky just want this to go away. SS can argue confusion given the chaos, can lawyer up for whatever it costs to likely eventually win in court, and pretty much no one is supporting the police here…not to mention the city wants major sporting events back and this won’t help if you arrest the stars. It’s a losing game for them. Just cite lack of video evidence or some other cop out, and drop it.
There is video of the incident.: "There is no body camera footage of the incident between Scheffler and police, Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg told reporters on Saturday. However, another angle of the incident, from a "fixed camera" across the street, does exist and will be released in the coming days, he noted." Star golfer Scottie Scheffler's arraignment postponed after arrest during PGA Championship I read that tweet, don't know anything about the author. The following is inconsistent with that, however.: "The district judge presiding in the case granted on Monday the defense's motion to continue the arraignment "over the objection of Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell," a spokesperson for the district attorney's office, Josh Abner, said in a statement to ABC News. "Our office continues to gather information in the case." Why would the prosecutor object to a continuance of a case they are planning to drop? There will be a lot of pressure on them to drop it...not because of Scheffler's conduct, but because of who he is.
No, you didn't. He did not say that. Try again. Start paying particularly close attention at the 0:23 mark. "They (police officers) told him to stop. When he didn't stop, the police officer attached himself to the vehicle. Scheffler then traveled another 10 yards before stopping the car." By my count, he just recounted two crimes.
Good for Scheffler, but also should be reminder if it wasn’t Sheffler and was instead some random schmuck, w/ everything else about the incident exactly the same… they’d probably still be looking at serious jail time (or at best the looming felony would pressure them to plead to the misdemeanors). In this case it’s not so much Sheffler getting special treatment (other than his ability to quickly get legal council and have public outrage on his side)… i think the vast majority thought it ridiculous. But rather it shows how an unprofessional police can quickly escalate things unnecessarily. Nobody should face 10 years jail for momentary confusion when driving! Maybe the camera footage will look worse than i think in terms of how this officer “attaches” himself to the vehicle, and how long it takes Sheffler to react, but it would have to be pretty damned bad to justify a felony “assault”. I’m just trying to imagine how I’d react if i were at a place I 100% knew I was authorized to go, and a dude I believed to be a parking attendant reached at my slowly moving vehicle. My first inclination would probably be “wtf is this guy doing” and to drive away, but even if I didn’t “floor it”, it is reasonable to take a second to process WtF is happening and why is this guy reaching into my vehicle. Sounds like this is what happened to Scheffler. Obviously it’s an unfortunate situation as that cop wasn’t supposed to be there, but nevertheless once he’s assigned to that duty he needs to have the common sense of a traffic cop. His role is to direct traffic, not to look for trouble (and somehow managing to arrest the #1 player in the world at the gates of the event… can only be that).