At the height of pan-panic Governor Cooper marched arm-in-arm, with BLM protestors, his mask pulled down around his neck. This shortly after having arrested anti-lockdown protestors because they were posing a health hazard.
Didn't the OP say that it would be a crime if you wore a mask while committing a crime? Someone who is imnocompromised who is not participating in an illegal activity would be fine.
SMH. Newsflash: There are OTHER respiratory ailments that require the use of masks. Also, if someone with a compromised immune system wishes to wear one for whatever real or imagined protection it affords them, they should have an absolute right to do so.
An excellent discussion of mask laws in Florida. Attorney on Crimes for Wearing Face Mask for COVID-19 in Florida
Just what we need, more laws that will be difficult to enforce thus negating the intended affect. The mask portion is stupid. As most everyone has said, who cares. However, if you block roads as part of a protest, you should get hammered. NO ONE should be allowed to disrupt traffic flow period. Protest all you want on the side of the road.
As relevant as the actual issue is.......why do any NC legislators GAF about this? Talk about wasting time creating a solution for a non-issue. Don't these Trumppublicans have much more important things to do, like making sure no gun buyers anywhere face a draconian background check? Or gong up to NYC to demonstrate for their Criminal-in-Chief?
Looks like there are some sensible R's in the House Some NC House Republicans oppose anti-mask bill Some Republicans in the North Carolina state House are voicing opposition to a push by Senate colleagues to remove a public health exception to the state's mask ban — an effort that has called into question whether people who wear masks in public for medical reasons could be arrested for doing so. Every Democrat in the state Senate voted against the new mask ban, which GOP senators say is necessary to make it easier for police to detain or arrest people who attend protests while wearing masks. Opponents raised numerous questions and concerns about the legality of the bill and the negative consequences for individuals with weakened immune systems, as well as for public health in general. While Republicans in the Senate brushed aside those concerns before voting to approve the proposal, some Republicans in the House aren’t so sure about the proposal. The bill would need to be approved by the House to become law. Some NC House Republicans oppose anti-mask bill
Every time I think “hey maybe I am drifting toward the Republican side” I see insane garbage like this and realize they are light years away from me.
Attending a protest is not a crime, and cannot on its own be construed as a crime. Sounds more like a way to give false pretense to stifle dissent. Lenin would be proud. Maybe this law would be more palatable in regards to ground rules for protests if they disallowed police from wearing masks also, but I suspect these freedom lovers still want their “secret police” to be fully masked up.
People have been protesting for 250 years in this state. There are already laws against violence and property damage etc. This is just making up an excuse to arrest law abiding protestors who are not breaking any laws. It’s a totalitarian repressive tactic.
The party of personal freedom and respect for classic institutions. Except on almost every single issue today. The old Republican party at least stood for something, the new one is a distorted populist inversion of everything it claims to stand for.
No, you said that, don't act like I said that, because I never said that. You know what I said, and it was very specific to the Hamas terrorist group supporters on college campuses.