You clearly didn’t watch it. He started off nutty talking nonsense about a slow pitch softball game then riffed on nonsense for the better part of an hour before that weird as shit word block. My favorite part was him saying no one even Lincoln has done as much for black Americans. Bwahahaha.
Sounds to me he started by thanking the nra for inviting him. You are so tds’d you forgot the meaning of start. Get help.
So you couldn’t even make it 4 minutes in. Lol. I don’t blame you. You are posting about something you didn’t even watch. Cults gonna cult.
Totally not true - it has nothing to do with Trump. I just don't really like politicians who have these huge, weird freezes when they are speaking. And also are racists. And also are rapists. And also are serial adulterers. And also pay off porn stars they've slept with. And also are serial liars. And also are business cheats. And also defraud charities. And also enact conspiracies to overturn elections. And also encourage an attack on our Capitol building. And also happily watch while hundreds of cops are beaten. And also extort our allies. And also publicly bad-mouth career public servants. And also publicly bad-mouth career military officers. And also accept election help from Russia. And also lie about covid, causing thousands of unnecessary deaths.
He’s obsessed with Biden’s golf game too. Dude riffed for several minutes on…golf…and Biden’s handicap. Crazy shit.
Wrong again. Why don’t you change your prior post from “started off” to “4 minutes in”. You would make some sense then. I suppose you also think this threads starts off somewhere on page 2. Lol!!!!!
Do you care that practically every member of his administration and even his own family has distanced themselves from him? No potus ever has had that happen. Does the trail of bankrupt, imprisoned, and disgraced supporters and businesses he leaves in his wake tell you anything? Or the way he calls casualties of war losers because they got killed? I mean, come on man, open your eyes
Face it. You didnt watch it. You read my comment, click on the link and didnt make it past the "thank you for having me" stage to see he started his speech off with some softball nonsense of hitting a home run with a maga hat. I dont blame you. It was a rambling mess. If you had watched the speech you would have known instantly what I was talking about. Since you had to click and were disappointed it wasnt in the first 60 seconds you stopped watching. You are clearly an expert on the speech you didnt watch.
Wrong again chief. You’re just making stuff up now and looking foolish while doing it. Please learn the meaning of the word “start”. Thanks for playing though.
Weren't you the one complaining that people were focusing too much on a specific 30 second clip and ignoring the overall speech and now you want to parse words about what "start" means to avoid addressing the substance of his comment?
I absolutely clearly addressed the mistaken point of this thread. To do that I clearly had seen much more of the speech. And the so-called substance of his comment was meaningless drivel spawned by his tds. It doesn’t deserve any greater response. Thank you though.
Shoot. We all know you didnt watch it which is why you were confused. Acting like it is semantics and not the fact that you have been commenting about a speech you didnt watch is hilarious. Anyone who watched the speech, like me, would know what I was talking about. Someone trolling about the speech who didnt watch it would be confused if they watched less than 3 minutes and 44 seconds.. like you, which is the start of a 1 hour and 30 minute rambling speech. You were busted. Own it.
like trying to teach a pig to sing, the cultist will not recognize reality and the pig will never learn to sing so why waste the time?
I I busted the op about taking 30 seconds out of context BECAUSE I had seen much of the speech and knew how out of context this thread is. You just can’t admit this thread is completely out of context and you have serious tds. You fool nobody by pretending to have watched over an hour and a half of a trump speech. Too funny.
Youre wrong everywhere: "I busted the OP" =>The OP was not about this gaffe you dont even know what thread you are in! "I had seen much of the speech" => Clearly you didnt see more that 4 minutes. "this thread is completely out of context" => What are you even talking about??? Here is the OP: Diminished and Confused - Is Trump OK?
You guys please stop with the insults. Questioning another poster’s mental health does nothing but bring on more sniping.