And that was Biden's fault. All things being equal unvaccinated persons are more likely to die from Covid than those who were vaxxed. I realize that data are older but since we're talking about Biden the death rate(s) are in effective illustration of the effectiveness of the vaccine during his first year in office. Even Trump promoted the vax although he stopped doing so after being booed by his own supporters at one of his MAGA rallies. More recent data. The unvaxxed are still more likely to die of Covid than those who have been vaccinated although the difference isn't as great given that Omicron and its subvariants are considerably less lethal than the original form of the virus and the Delta variant. How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?
Yeah keep up the personal insults JMDZ. I’m a Florida grad. A retired VP at my company living the good life. Have no use for people like you who think that the 50% of the country who prefer the Republican Party are some kind of degenerates. I’ll take good hard working God fearing people over the far far left liberals that have taken over my parents democrat party. But keep living your dream smart guy!
The only people I insulted were the ones interviewed by Jordan Klepper...and they deserve it. Go be a victim on someone else's dime.
FYI. Counties that went Biden's way account for 70% of the country's GDP. also FYI, I am NOT a liberal. Certainly not a pub either. top 5 most socialist states are all pub: The pub party has become social outrage & leftist economic policy. see Trump for example* * EDIT: turned on news just now....first thing I saw was Trump bragging about being the welfare king & standing up for ethanol like no one else. Ha ha!
Painful. Serious gaslighting to equate Hillary who conceded she lost the election but complained the media said bad things about her vs Trump claiming the votes were physically and systemically miscounted so egregiously that he really won. I don’t wish ill of people but if I did Marco would be near the top.
He's the one that mandated this whole bull-crap vaccine taking clot shots.. and Tilly fell for it. oops... sorry Tilly.
It's unbelievable that Trump created such a harmful and dangerous thing and told people to take it!!! Trump renews praise for Covid vaccines "The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump told conservative commentator Candace Owens in an interview on Wednesday. While Trump has expressed opposition to vaccine mandates, he has long taken credit for the vaccines developed on his watch. "I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines all are very, very good," he said in the interview, referring to the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson shots. Trump renews praise for Covid vaccines, 'one of the greatest achievements of mankind' Edit : It never gets old watching Trumpy kooks both sides their hero on this vaccine thing.
The irony is that the development of the Covid vax under Trump's Operation Warp Speed was one the few significant accomplishments during Trump's one term in office and it's also the only issue with which his sheeplike supporters have expressed disagreement with him considering that they almost always praise everything that he says or does without question.
I agree. It was a solid cooperation between the government and private industry to solve a world wide problem. Distribution started happening a year after the first outbreak and was pretty distributed a year after the country shut down under Trump.
Yea, I saw a bit of it this morning while the subject was abortion. Had to turn it off as Rubio just kept talking over the questions and never actually answering. Embarrassingly rude performance.