I just saw this video and the fact it was a Tom Petty tune and the parody brought a smile to my face I thought I would post it, not necessarily because it was Biden I just thought it was a nicely done parody song. Well I guess getting a rise out of the Biden crowd did cross my mind.
Trump thinks Hannibal Lecter is a real person and the former president from Georgia is Jimmy Connors. Biden is just fine for an old guy.
Biden could fall into a huge crater of buffalo shit and eat his way out and I'll still vote for him over the guy who tried to overthrow the election.
Too bad inflation isn't falling as fast as Biden. You get what you paid for and now we're paying for what he paid for.
I wonder how long the energizer Biden can keep it together being pumped full of Adderall and other amphetamines every morning. It’s truly sad this old guy is being so mistreated and abused by doc Jill and his DNC handlers.
Based on the title I thought this was about the stock market but that couldn't be the case since it's at a record high.
I'd put my money on Biden over you in any physical activity any day of the week. You have literally destroyed your lungs with your filthy habit. You seem to forget that between your "poor me" threads.
It likely didn’t even come to mind, rather was spoon fed from a biased source or Trump rally (during recent rally in MN he said that Biden should be drug tested prior to debates).
ONE rule invented just for Too Hot... to keep the Dems here happy. Some video is self evident and self explanatory. Besides that if a picture is worth a thousand word that videos are much more defined in their intent and meaning... no words required.