agree. It’s remindful of the following…. “Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw
I have mixed feelings about the "when they go low, we go high" approach versus fighting fire with fire. How are mature adults supposed to handle such situations? Just always take the high road and be a verbal punching bag? I don't know. At the very least, though, I don't view someone responding in kind to a specific person as being equally responsible.
Not equally responsible, no. MTG started it. No question there. But now all three of them look like clowns instead of just MTG.
MTG would run to Chatter after we banned her and she called all remaining conservatives RINO's while inviting us over to her safe space for more debate. Trust me. I've seen it before. Been there. Done that.
Ha. There’s that old adage “Dumb as rocks”. Can actually include similar variations: “Dumb as a bag of hammers” or this fence post example. I think all of these sayings need to be updated to capture the idiocy of the modern day MAGA Republican, and your point nails it. She would lose a debate with that fence post (likewise with the hammer, the rock, whatever). At least the rock sits there in silence. An intelligence quotient of 0. Zero points in any debate. MTG is wrong so frequently her knowledge quotient is in the negative. One of few humans to have achieved true anti-knowledge. So for the likes of her, the phrase must be amended: DumbER than rocks.