True. There was a witness who was an ESPN guy. He mentioned an officer “attaching himself to the car”. Not sure what that means, and he isn’t the most eloquent wordsmith lol. With that description I’m picturing Sheffler trying to drive by him and the officer trying to grab the door handle or reaching into the window. Shefflers claim is he didn’t realize the guy was a cop. So it all sort of makes sense, if some guy you believe to be a security guard or rent-a-cop suddenly reaches into your vehicle, it takes a moment to process that. If the guy was at the hood of the car that might be tougher for Scheffler to explain; it would tilt it more toward being “his fault”, although I still chalk it up to confusion/miscommunication that the cops shouldn’t have escalated. If there is body-cam that shows the incident, that is always going to be helpful.
I want to hear both sides and hopefully see some video. I know I've seen cops go from zero to 10 before when it comes to trying to direct traffic. I think it's partly for the same reason that people experience road rage; vehicles are inherently dangerous and can evoke a fight or flight response due to the adrenaline rush. That could be part of it and/or the cop may have let his ego get the best of him over a misunderstanding. If the cop was not in uniform, I'd question the wisdom of that since I think having LEOs out of uniform giving citizens orders is bound to cause confusion.
Also said “Can’t comment on that”, “grateful to be able to compete”, and threw condolences out to the pedestrian killed. This dude just doesn’t get how to manipulate the slobberers.
It was said on the Tv coverage that the people working the golf tournament were wearing yellow rain jackets and after the accident police that had not been assigned to the tournament showed up also wearing yellow rain suits. Some felt this is why he didn't know the guy that he drove around was a police officer and was doing what he had been told to do to get into the course. He was also driving a sponsor provided car with large signs on it so it should have been obvious he was part of the tournament.